Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 6 of 21

Day 6 of 21

Isn’t today supposed to be a day of rest...I’ve been up since the sun decided to shine. The breakfast my family received would put any pancake house to shame. The laundry, although 4 feet high when I entered the room, is now only 1 foot in height. I managed to take 2 hours to run to the local scrapbooking store and use the Accucut machine to cut out 100 5 ¾ inch circles of fabrics and a ton of butterflies and maple leaf cut outs...and definitely did some damage on the huge sale table.

Upon return home to make a great taco salad lunch for the “hard working boys” I found a note on the door to say that all 3 of the boys (dh and 2 sons) had taken off to go to the Mopac and hockey card shop (which happens to be 2 stores down from my 2nd favorite scrapbook store) and they didn’t even call me to see if I wanted to go....dang it.

It’s only 3pm and I am exhausted, still working on the secret project for the Oktoberfest/Socktoberfest retreat...supper has to get on the stove but it is waaayyy to hot out for that.

I think we’ll have to order in tonight, and don’t forget my fav show is on tonight, Big Brother will tell the players who the Saboteur was...cause she was a twit and got kicked out the very first week! Duh!

So off to the workroom for a couple hours, til I have to feed the boys (if a miracle happens, they will stop and get themselves something)....

Hope your day of rest is restful, peaceful and lacking any chores of any kind.
Remember....make it your day!

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