Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Is anybody out there

Ever think you're all alone, well take off the ipod and listen to all the sounds around you as you quilt/scrapbook. I usually put my headphones back on quickly, cause there is gonna be a kid in my house screaming sooner or later. The good news is, my hubby is so great to me, if I need "craft" time, I shut my door and he deals with the herd!

Sweet as pie! Someday, I'm gonna get that man to quilt. He's already trying to design stuff for me to make, so what's another step? Oh goodness, does that mean I'd have to share my stash with him, or does it mean he'll have his own for me to steal from?

Hope your week is going well!

My coughing, hacking, sore throat is almost fully repaired! yeah!

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