Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday Morning and the Weekends Here

What is your weekends like? If you're a mom, they could be full of transportation with kids from one event to another....if you don't have kids at home, it could be full of volunteer activities, or for either it could be tidying the house, laundry, planning meals for next week or and I hope scrapbooking or quilting for at least a few hours....

My weekend started at 7:30am, up and breakfast then taking the 4year old to gymnastics, home to throw in a couple loads of laundry, vacuum and tidy the main floor. prep camera for the 1:45pm hockey game for 13year old and help the 14yr old with homework...geesh and it's on plan is to be in my craft room by 6pm tonight, locking the door and staying up late.....

what's your weekend like?

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