Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 8 of 21

I am sooo tired. I couldn't sleep last night, staying awake until 5am and then being awoken at 6:15 by the dear hubby to ask if i was going to work didn't help either.

oh gosh, too many crafty ideas were swimming in my little head, I couldn't slow it down to go to sleep. However, in the depths of the night, in the silence of the house, i was able to work up 4 page layouts and a new quilt design for my 5" charm pack I've had "aging" for the last 3 years. keep your eyes peeled for its completion soon.

but for now, I will make this a short blog checkin and go have a much needed nap before I take the cuteness to her swim lessons.

PS I went to the local thrift store today, what deals, apacathy jars for my buttons only $2.00 and books for 10cents....hmmmm...i gotta put that on my to do list more often!

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