Jaybird Quilts (AKA the fabulous Julie Herman) has another sponsored giveaway fearing a great online fabric store and the ever beautiful long arm quilting services of Jackie & Canton Village Quilt Works. If you haven't already joined up on Jaybird Quilts you NEED TOOOOO....she has the bestest of all things fabric, quilting and she also knows alot of folks so you get to meet folks from all around the world! She's a super lady and I would give her my stash if it was the end of the quilting world! Now that's saying alot eh!
Jump on over to Jaybird quilts and then she will help you to meet up with Jackie and Canton Village Quilt Works...you don't want to miss out!
I am an avid Quilter and Scrapbooker and this blog is dedicated to my two (three) passions...plus the retreat business,www.gigglesandgirlfriends.com UNSUPERVISED AND RUNNING WITH SCISSORS! CAUSE GOSH DARN IT PEOPLE LIKE YOU!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Hello...Anybody out there?
I am soooo sorry to all my faithful readers. I have been on a self proclaimed hiatus! You heard it, finally put down everything and took some time for me. You all need to try this. It is amazing! However, I have missed you all dearly.
So, what have I been up to? Well, for starters I have been revamping my retreat business. Adding new dates, meeting new people, creating great memories for those ladies that join me on the excursions and those that join us through the face book site and website www.gigglesandgirlfriends.com .
My oldest child has moved out of our house with her boyfriend of 2 years. They are starting a new life together in a new home. Making her table runners and quilts for the beds has kept me quite busy. As well, cleaning out her old room and making space for "hopefully" a new and roomy studio!!!! Yes you heard it hear, my dear hubby has advised that I will get 1/2 the basement area to create a beautifully stunning new studio.
Would you do it? Would you move "all" your stuff just to get a few extra inches of space? I am not sure if I want to? Not sure how to? Would it be good for me?
A fresh start would be great for purging, and for organizing and sorting, and oh doesn't that sound like a lot of work?! I am certain that my friends would come out in tenfold to help me.
What would you do with more space? more supplies or more UFO's finished (Unfinished Objects)?
I will see you soon....chow Bella's
Remember Run with scissors and you'll be surprised what can be created!
So, what have I been up to? Well, for starters I have been revamping my retreat business. Adding new dates, meeting new people, creating great memories for those ladies that join me on the excursions and those that join us through the face book site and website www.gigglesandgirlfriends.com .
My oldest child has moved out of our house with her boyfriend of 2 years. They are starting a new life together in a new home. Making her table runners and quilts for the beds has kept me quite busy. As well, cleaning out her old room and making space for "hopefully" a new and roomy studio!!!! Yes you heard it hear, my dear hubby has advised that I will get 1/2 the basement area to create a beautifully stunning new studio.
Would you do it? Would you move "all" your stuff just to get a few extra inches of space? I am not sure if I want to? Not sure how to? Would it be good for me?
A fresh start would be great for purging, and for organizing and sorting, and oh doesn't that sound like a lot of work?! I am certain that my friends would come out in tenfold to help me.
What would you do with more space? more supplies or more UFO's finished (Unfinished Objects)?
I will see you soon....chow Bella's
Remember Run with scissors and you'll be surprised what can be created!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Post Retreat Stress Disorder...do you suffer?
PRSD Post Retreat Stress Disorder
Do you know or suffer from post retreat stress disorder? Not sure, if you can answer yes to any of the following, you need to keep reading.
· Do you get home on a Sunday night after retreat and feel the buzz of creativity still running through your veins?
· Do you hyperventilate at the thought of returning back home to hubby and kids?
· Do you know that getting home means a stop to the creative splurges at any moment, only to have to wait ‘til the kids are napping or the dishes are done, or 'til 5pm hits and you can go home from work?
· Do you get home from retreat and want to turn around and drive right back?
It’s the crashing feeling of coming home from retreat that ultimately breaks some creativity inspired moments of scrapbooking and quilting. While some may be able to deal with the stresses of returning back their normal lives with ease, they can be turned bitter by the monotonous and often rigorous life that follows the days in between retreats.
Post Retreat Stress Disorder can affect individuals on varying degrees but overall the feeling is the same. The responsibility of real life comes crashing down like a cartoon inspired bomb after experiencing the good times. Quite often in order to go to retreat, crafters must take mundane jobs in unattractive fields that can afford to see their “employees” go away for weekends at a time. These may include but are not limited to working in a kitchen, laundry room, child’s homework, hard labor, mother duties, wife duties, or (and dare I say it) real jobs in real life positions.
Funny, I know, but the reality is that a lot of you suffer from this little setback. You get on the road after a great weekend of creativity with your girlfriends, sisters, moms, etc and all you can think of is the next page or block, the next card or album, the next quilt configuration, the next creative step. Your car ride home (or in most cases a large vehicle filled to the brim) is spent talking up great ideas with your co-riders. So then what do you do when you get home?
You need to find a support system (husband, friend, sister) that will infuse, encourage and accommodate your retreating lifestyle which is so essential to your personal well-being and rejuvenation regime.
Securing your money situation before heading out will allow you to enjoy retreat and go without the stress of worrying where your next retreat will come from. In the months leading up to retreat, try putting at least some money away each week into a special piggy bank or secret stash area.
Another common cause of PRSD is unreasonable expectations. Do you want to relax and rejuvenate with friends, do you want to finish an entire album or quilt, do you want to get the kids Halloween favors made, do you want to make a card for a dear friend, these are the expectations you need to set out for yourself before you arrive. Know what you want and set the target to be achieved. By knowing what you want to complete and setting yourself up to achieve that will make the weekend and your return home much more pleasant.
It’s very easy to register for a retreat, but even harder to go home. While it’s very true that every retreat must come to an end, it doesn’t mean that you have to stop your experience. Take some of the tips and tricks and great friendships that you’ve made at retreat and capitalize on them. Have some gals over on a Saturday afternoon, or a Tuesday night for a “tips and tricks” night, or a swap or fabric challenge.
No matter what, enjoy your retreat, enjoy the new friendships and better yet, book for your next retreat early so you can enjoy more, more, and more!
Do you know or suffer from post retreat stress disorder? Not sure, if you can answer yes to any of the following, you need to keep reading.
· Do you get home on a Sunday night after retreat and feel the buzz of creativity still running through your veins?
· Do you hyperventilate at the thought of returning back home to hubby and kids?
· Do you know that getting home means a stop to the creative splurges at any moment, only to have to wait ‘til the kids are napping or the dishes are done, or 'til 5pm hits and you can go home from work?
· Do you get home from retreat and want to turn around and drive right back?
It’s the crashing feeling of coming home from retreat that ultimately breaks some creativity inspired moments of scrapbooking and quilting. While some may be able to deal with the stresses of returning back their normal lives with ease, they can be turned bitter by the monotonous and often rigorous life that follows the days in between retreats.
Post Retreat Stress Disorder can affect individuals on varying degrees but overall the feeling is the same. The responsibility of real life comes crashing down like a cartoon inspired bomb after experiencing the good times. Quite often in order to go to retreat, crafters must take mundane jobs in unattractive fields that can afford to see their “employees” go away for weekends at a time. These may include but are not limited to working in a kitchen, laundry room, child’s homework, hard labor, mother duties, wife duties, or (and dare I say it) real jobs in real life positions.
Funny, I know, but the reality is that a lot of you suffer from this little setback. You get on the road after a great weekend of creativity with your girlfriends, sisters, moms, etc and all you can think of is the next page or block, the next card or album, the next quilt configuration, the next creative step. Your car ride home (or in most cases a large vehicle filled to the brim) is spent talking up great ideas with your co-riders. So then what do you do when you get home?
You need to find a support system (husband, friend, sister) that will infuse, encourage and accommodate your retreating lifestyle which is so essential to your personal well-being and rejuvenation regime.
Securing your money situation before heading out will allow you to enjoy retreat and go without the stress of worrying where your next retreat will come from. In the months leading up to retreat, try putting at least some money away each week into a special piggy bank or secret stash area.
Another common cause of PRSD is unreasonable expectations. Do you want to relax and rejuvenate with friends, do you want to finish an entire album or quilt, do you want to get the kids Halloween favors made, do you want to make a card for a dear friend, these are the expectations you need to set out for yourself before you arrive. Know what you want and set the target to be achieved. By knowing what you want to complete and setting yourself up to achieve that will make the weekend and your return home much more pleasant.
It’s very easy to register for a retreat, but even harder to go home. While it’s very true that every retreat must come to an end, it doesn’t mean that you have to stop your experience. Take some of the tips and tricks and great friendships that you’ve made at retreat and capitalize on them. Have some gals over on a Saturday afternoon, or a Tuesday night for a “tips and tricks” night, or a swap or fabric challenge.
No matter what, enjoy your retreat, enjoy the new friendships and better yet, book for your next retreat early so you can enjoy more, more, and more!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Quilt -a-Long and Scrap-a-longs ??
For my quiltly friends, I am sure you've all heard of Quilt a longs, they are amazing little tidbits and quilting instructions that you share with people from all over the world. One fabulous designer dreams up a great design, shares the skills and know-how with the world and viola, along a 8-12 week progress through a blog or email subscription everyone makes a new and different quilt. I love these "mini" challenges. They peak my interest because of the ability for each and every person involved to learn something from someone along the road. Seeing all the different patterns, fabric lines and "tweeks" that almost always happen make the quilt-a-longs a great surprise in the end. Most quilt-a-longs have a flickr site as well, this helps everyone to be able to see what their new quilty friends around the world are doing, what colours and textures others are using and to get bragging rights and the almight "oh yes" confirmation from their cyberspace peers. I have met alot of fabulous quilty friends through these adventures and have a host of quilts that i may not have ever tried otherwise. Thanks to all those great designers....without you we'd be.....well no where! This summer I joined the Summer Star Sampler with QuiltyGirl Bradie Sparrow and this fall I have joined two more...see the side panel for the ones I am doing this fall.
Now for my Scrapbooking friends. Wouldn't this be great for a album...if someone put up instructions for a page layout weekly or biweekly so that in a matter of a few weeks you'd have a album done. I am thinking of hosting one for a 8x8 album or smaller....let's get this great adventure started!
Now for my Scrapbooking friends. Wouldn't this be great for a album...if someone put up instructions for a page layout weekly or biweekly so that in a matter of a few weeks you'd have a album done. I am thinking of hosting one for a 8x8 album or smaller....let's get this great adventure started!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
what do you tell people who ask you if you sleep?
I was asked, and get asked, on a regular basis "Do you ever sleep?"...My usual reaction has been "i'll sleep when i am dead"...THEN someone said, really truely how many hours do you get a day, you're always sooo busy?
Well i tracked it...Saturday Night I got 6.5hrs, Sunday was 5.5hrs, Monday was 7 hours, Tuesday was 8 hours....so I guess i do sleep, but I just get so excited about the things I am working on that my adrenaline kicks in and viola, next thing I know it's late, I'm in my studio and everybody in my house has gone to bed...and I have to work in the morning.
I work full time, then run the retreat business on the side, so (part-time hours), and i quilt for others, do scrapbooking for others, and do all the same for my family and me (4 kids and sweet husband) and you know what....I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my busy life, I love my job(s), I love my volunteer duties, I love going to Guild meetings, I love going to crops with friends, I love doing things with my kids, I love bowling league night with my hubby, sister and brother inlaws, and all the many little things i do....
I will not regret NOT doing anything, my house is LIVED in, my meals aren't always gourmet but I refuse to feel a smiggin' of guilt. If I wasn't busy I don't know what i would do...how about YOU.?
Well i tracked it...Saturday Night I got 6.5hrs, Sunday was 5.5hrs, Monday was 7 hours, Tuesday was 8 hours....so I guess i do sleep, but I just get so excited about the things I am working on that my adrenaline kicks in and viola, next thing I know it's late, I'm in my studio and everybody in my house has gone to bed...and I have to work in the morning.
I work full time, then run the retreat business on the side, so (part-time hours), and i quilt for others, do scrapbooking for others, and do all the same for my family and me (4 kids and sweet husband) and you know what....I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my busy life, I love my job(s), I love my volunteer duties, I love going to Guild meetings, I love going to crops with friends, I love doing things with my kids, I love bowling league night with my hubby, sister and brother inlaws, and all the many little things i do....
I will not regret NOT doing anything, my house is LIVED in, my meals aren't always gourmet but I refuse to feel a smiggin' of guilt. If I wasn't busy I don't know what i would do...how about YOU.?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
scrappin back to school
Back to school tomorrow for 3 of the 4 kids...number 4 just told us she's moving out with her beau October 1st....I have to go to the dentist tomorrow...anyone who knows me, knows how I despised the Dentist....what a trouper eh!
Biggest news tomorrow is that my oldest boy turns 15...yep, does'nt seem that old to me, but!
Cake for dinner tomorrow....homework will begin and lunches need to be made!
Enjoy your week...send me tips for back to school scrapbooking.
Biggest news tomorrow is that my oldest boy turns 15...yep, does'nt seem that old to me, but!
Cake for dinner tomorrow....homework will begin and lunches need to be made!
Enjoy your week...send me tips for back to school scrapbooking.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
oh my!
Oh my goodness, has the summer just flashed by my eyes. I work full time and do the retreat business parttime so I am usually quite busy, but really this summer has slipped away from me completely.
I've been busy for sure, I participated in the Applique Posy Needle Case Swap, my partner lives in Austrailia so I was sewing and shipping treats to her. I participated in the Siggy Swap with 147 other ladies from all over the world. I have been tagging along with Quiltygirls Summer Star Samplere, which is nearing it's completion.
I attended Scrap-A-Lots August All Day Crop and got some really fantastic scrapbooking done, bought and ideas coming from every which way!
I wanted to share an idea with you, when you make a really great page and want to show it off. Go to MIcheals, Homesense or Winners and purchase a "cork board" I bought a 16" square one with a fabulous white frame on it (really doesn't even look like a message board) and then pin (it usually comes with four cute little pins) your fav page to it. I did a page of my mom on her 60th birthday party last May and was able to use 3D Flowers and putting it up on the "board" was easy peasy then we hung it in a prominate spot in the Living Room for everyone to enjoy. Then when we want to change it easy!
My upcoming retreat season is starting soon...Sept 30-Oct 3rd we host a 4 day (sold out) retreat, then back at it on October 22-24, November 11-14, December 3-5, January etc. Time to get the doorprizes in order...
Fun Fun Fun....
Hope ya'all are enjoying your summer splashing! Remember, Craft unsupervised, you'll never know what can happen.
I'll try to post my board layout later today....
I've been busy for sure, I participated in the Applique Posy Needle Case Swap, my partner lives in Austrailia so I was sewing and shipping treats to her. I participated in the Siggy Swap with 147 other ladies from all over the world. I have been tagging along with Quiltygirls Summer Star Samplere, which is nearing it's completion.
I attended Scrap-A-Lots August All Day Crop and got some really fantastic scrapbooking done, bought and ideas coming from every which way!
I wanted to share an idea with you, when you make a really great page and want to show it off. Go to MIcheals, Homesense or Winners and purchase a "cork board" I bought a 16" square one with a fabulous white frame on it (really doesn't even look like a message board) and then pin (it usually comes with four cute little pins) your fav page to it. I did a page of my mom on her 60th birthday party last May and was able to use 3D Flowers and putting it up on the "board" was easy peasy then we hung it in a prominate spot in the Living Room for everyone to enjoy. Then when we want to change it easy!
My upcoming retreat season is starting soon...Sept 30-Oct 3rd we host a 4 day (sold out) retreat, then back at it on October 22-24, November 11-14, December 3-5, January etc. Time to get the doorprizes in order...
Fun Fun Fun....
Hope ya'all are enjoying your summer splashing! Remember, Craft unsupervised, you'll never know what can happen.
I'll try to post my board layout later today....
Friday, August 6, 2010
Templates, Patterns and Ideas oh MY!
Do you download templates, patterns and ideas? I have been so productive in watching tutorials, downloading templates and page patterns lately that I think I need to start saving in a file on my laptop rather than printing (a small tree will now be planted in honour of all my new shared ideas)...sorry forrest.
Anywho...better homes and gardens has a great selection...check out their website!
Anywho...better homes and gardens has a great selection...check out their website!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day 21 of 21....missed yesterday for the holiday
21 days of blogging, and i only missed twice...yeah me!
Nothing new, except that I found a great new fabric line patchwork pottery....she designs the bestest stuff and she has a great book out....
off to my creative space...see you all in a couple days....
ps does anyone have a paper piecing pattern for a monkey?
Nothing new, except that I found a great new fabric line patchwork pottery....she designs the bestest stuff and she has a great book out....
off to my creative space...see you all in a couple days....
ps does anyone have a paper piecing pattern for a monkey?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Day 20 of 21
Oh my goodness...i am sooo excited.....I have pieced together 5 table runners/tableclothes so far today.....they are all going to be given away, and i really thought it would take me weeks, but the inspiration was hitting me full force and with reckless abandon.
One has birthday cakes in the endzones of a 30" long table runner, 3 are the ever so popular black and white with a splash of some type of fabulous colour....
hmmmm, now i have to create a fall version and a christmas one.....hmmmmmmm I am so excited at getting so much done in such a short time, my little hearts just a beating, can I bottle this creative moment for those days when i have a brain fart?
Stopped for a quick peak at my Nascar...right when a huge crash occured...maybe i should get back to my quilting room!
see you all tomorrow..
PS My dryer never showed up, they didn't call, and apparently Maytag doesn't give a rats patootie....frustration is looming!
One has birthday cakes in the endzones of a 30" long table runner, 3 are the ever so popular black and white with a splash of some type of fabulous colour....
hmmmm, now i have to create a fall version and a christmas one.....hmmmmmmm I am so excited at getting so much done in such a short time, my little hearts just a beating, can I bottle this creative moment for those days when i have a brain fart?
Stopped for a quick peak at my Nascar...right when a huge crash occured...maybe i should get back to my quilting room!
see you all tomorrow..
PS My dryer never showed up, they didn't call, and apparently Maytag doesn't give a rats patootie....frustration is looming!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Day 19 of 21
I want to share with you a blog I follow...why, because she was braver than me and figured out how to cut fabric in a Cricut...you betcha...this is gonna make my scrapbooks pop and my applique on my quilts even better!!!
ya'all go check this out...
Missy at the Little Green bean is amazing....enjoy!
ya'all go check this out...
Missy at the Little Green bean is amazing....enjoy!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Day 18 of 21
Dag nab it....
It's a beautiful friday in my part of the world today. The sun is spreading her warmth and glow, the wind is just ever so slightly whisping at my hair...(ERRRKKKKKK put on the brakes sista...you're working today)...urgh.
OK so from my "tinted office window" that I have to look through a hallway and someone else's office to see out of it looks like a perfect day. I however will drive home in a blazing hotter than the stones in a pig luau pit vehicle to get home tonight, in traffic full of people like me wishing we'd been smart enough to book the friday before the long weekend off. All of us driving along, snearing and jeering at those who are already in trucks/trailers heading to the lake. Fill up your bug spray suckers, those little blood suckers are gonna be having a buffet this weekend.
hmmmmm perhaps I will do something fabulous tonight:
lounge in my kiddie pool? Nope
watch all my favourite shows in no particular order while sipping a sangria? Nope
Playing in MY CRAFT ROOM with AC blaring and tunes jammin? Nope
I will be cleaning out the laundry room from 2 weeks worth of laundry, so that the delivery men who show up tomorrow with my dryer can get it into place and working so I can "finish up" that growing mound of laundry that has become my new arch enemy!
I hope you all enjoy your long weekends for those of you here in Canada, and for my US friends, I understand it's a holiday monday for you too...enjoy, go to a sale, hit a garage sale, help a friend with a laundry room makeover??? whatever...just do it in style and with a drinkiepoo in your hand!
It's a beautiful friday in my part of the world today. The sun is spreading her warmth and glow, the wind is just ever so slightly whisping at my hair...(ERRRKKKKKK put on the brakes sista...you're working today)...urgh.
OK so from my "tinted office window" that I have to look through a hallway and someone else's office to see out of it looks like a perfect day. I however will drive home in a blazing hotter than the stones in a pig luau pit vehicle to get home tonight, in traffic full of people like me wishing we'd been smart enough to book the friday before the long weekend off. All of us driving along, snearing and jeering at those who are already in trucks/trailers heading to the lake. Fill up your bug spray suckers, those little blood suckers are gonna be having a buffet this weekend.
hmmmmm perhaps I will do something fabulous tonight:
lounge in my kiddie pool? Nope
watch all my favourite shows in no particular order while sipping a sangria? Nope
Playing in MY CRAFT ROOM with AC blaring and tunes jammin? Nope
I will be cleaning out the laundry room from 2 weeks worth of laundry, so that the delivery men who show up tomorrow with my dryer can get it into place and working so I can "finish up" that growing mound of laundry that has become my new arch enemy!
I hope you all enjoy your long weekends for those of you here in Canada, and for my US friends, I understand it's a holiday monday for you too...enjoy, go to a sale, hit a garage sale, help a friend with a laundry room makeover??? whatever...just do it in style and with a drinkiepoo in your hand!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Day 17 of 21
only a few days left for my 21 day challenge...whew...I have so much respect now for those great ladies and gents who post daily, some twice daily to entertain me and my peeps.
Today I realized that sometimes, life is fair....fair in a good way, you work hard, you show your accolades, you show your strength your determination and after all the work you put into something, viola...you get the pure joy and pleasure of knowing that you are appreciated.
Today was my day to have this A-ha moment....and on a Thursday too! Friday will be amazing...Saturday my new clothes dryer will be delivered....you don't realize how long 2 months with a brokern dryer feels like in a house of 6!!! With 3 teens.....urgh!
but no worries, cause today is my day! Hope yours was just as splendid.
Today I realized that sometimes, life is fair....fair in a good way, you work hard, you show your accolades, you show your strength your determination and after all the work you put into something, viola...you get the pure joy and pleasure of knowing that you are appreciated.
Today was my day to have this A-ha moment....and on a Thursday too! Friday will be amazing...Saturday my new clothes dryer will be delivered....you don't realize how long 2 months with a brokern dryer feels like in a house of 6!!! With 3 teens.....urgh!
but no worries, cause today is my day! Hope yours was just as splendid.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Day 16 of 21
I bumped into a new blog "the little green bean" and she has a great idea for storing fabric...I just had to show ya'all....
Missy at “the little green bean” blog spot showed me a great organizational and CHEAP system for storing fabrics…great work Missy!
Her Great Tutorial on Fabric Storage can be seen by clicking on her button on the right side...
Her Great Tutorial on Fabric Storage can be seen by clicking on her button on the right side...
She took a piece of 20 x 30 foam core board, and cut it down to 10 x 7.5 You can get 8 from one sheet. Next she wrapped the fabric around the bolts, the great thing about them being foam board is that you can use stick pins to secure the loose ends.
Now add to your shelf and it's done, ready to organize your delicious selections of fabric!
Note: Cut your foamboard to an inch shorter that the height of your cabinet/shelf and it will be "custom made".....
Thanks Missy for sharing such a great idea...
...and to think I bought a box of these made by a manufacturer for $1.99 each! eeekkkk...foamboard here i come!
Now it's time to sew, I am making some great bags from a tutorial on Moda Bake Shops blog more to come on that! Go on over and visit....My blocks for Bradies Summer Star Sampler are cut out waiting for the Sewing fairy to showup at my house! hint hint
Now it's time to sew, I am making some great bags from a tutorial on Moda Bake Shops blog more to come on that! Go on over and visit....My blocks for Bradies Summer Star Sampler are cut out waiting for the Sewing fairy to showup at my house! hint hint
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Day 15 of 21
Oh my goodness...i have to tell ya'all about the swap blocks that arrived today. I joined the #2 ziggy swap...this is a block (fabric for those scrappers) that you make, sign with a fabric pen with your name and location, submit 101 blocks to the organizer then you get 101 back from folks all over the world....guess where some of my blocks came from?
Kangaroo Flat, Austrailia....holy cow eh! I also got one from a girl in my little home town...gonna have to facebook her and get together. tons of folks from the US
This swap thing would be great for scrapbookers as well, can you imagine making a page 10 tens, then receivng 10 different pages all back to complete your album?? hmmmm sounds pretty tempting doesn't it....
This was a super Canada Post deliver day!
Kangaroo Flat, Austrailia....holy cow eh! I also got one from a girl in my little home town...gonna have to facebook her and get together. tons of folks from the US
This swap thing would be great for scrapbookers as well, can you imagine making a page 10 tens, then receivng 10 different pages all back to complete your album?? hmmmm sounds pretty tempting doesn't it....
This was a super Canada Post deliver day!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Day 14 of 21 two weeks down one to go
ok, so i never do promotions here, but today I found the sweetest deal ever on Costco Online of all places...
HOT BUYProvo Craft®Cricut Expression® and YourStory® Bundle
Die-cutting Machine andBook Binder and Laminator-Machine Bundle
Item # 236235
RatedOverall Rating:
Share this Product:
OK, This along with the Accucut-go for my quilting are the two biggest things I want to have (insert continuous whining here)....so I thought I would share it with ya'all today to hopefully make one of your days, when you order it and share with me! hehehehe
HOT BUYProvo Craft®Cricut Expression® and YourStory® Bundle
Die-cutting Machine andBook Binder and Laminator-Machine Bundle
Item # 236235
RatedOverall Rating:
Share this Product:
OK, This along with the Accucut-go for my quilting are the two biggest things I want to have (insert continuous whining here)....so I thought I would share it with ya'all today to hopefully make one of your days, when you order it and share with me! hehehehe
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Day 13 of 21
today was a great day, yesterday was crazy busy....
I spent the entire day today at the Edmonton Indy with my hubby, great weather, the sun brought us 24 degrees, great food, perfectly chilled coolers and beer.
The race was great, all that advertising and paint jobs on the car brought me super ideas for some quilt designs and tons of page layouts....
Have you ever done that...used advertising for designs...?
I came home to spilt bbq sauce on my laptop...one of the "teens" in my house left their mcD's bbq sauce packet on my laptop, in the sun, it fell over and spilt into all the ports on my laptop...so now all the keys on the left side are sticky.....sticky...urgh...cleaning out the ports with toothpicks is a pain. oh well .big brother is on tonight, so off I go...see you all tomorrow.
I spent the entire day today at the Edmonton Indy with my hubby, great weather, the sun brought us 24 degrees, great food, perfectly chilled coolers and beer.
The race was great, all that advertising and paint jobs on the car brought me super ideas for some quilt designs and tons of page layouts....
Have you ever done that...used advertising for designs...?
I came home to spilt bbq sauce on my laptop...one of the "teens" in my house left their mcD's bbq sauce packet on my laptop, in the sun, it fell over and spilt into all the ports on my laptop...so now all the keys on the left side are sticky.....sticky...urgh...cleaning out the ports with toothpicks is a pain. oh well .big brother is on tonight, so off I go...see you all tomorrow.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Day 11 of 21
TGIF...or in human terms, thank goodness for fabric....I ran down, actually jogged with a little walking, to the local scrapbook store last week, cutting out shapes with fabric....
Holy Cow, as my 15yr old says SWEEEEEETTT....shapes on pages, shapes on quilts, you wouldn't believe the stuff I've been doing with these shapes. I made some "designer" tshirts, prettied up some of the 5yr olds "stained" shirts with a new lease on life!
I created a bunch of thank you cards using scraps of fabrics, wow wow wow...I just can't tell you all the things you can do with fabric....and my cheat for the week? Go to a local garage sale or thrift store, pick up a really cool shaped jar....get some brightly coloured, or colours to make your room and stuff those coloured fabrics in the jar.....viola! Art!
you wouldn't believe it.....beautiful
Holy Cow, as my 15yr old says SWEEEEEETTT....shapes on pages, shapes on quilts, you wouldn't believe the stuff I've been doing with these shapes. I made some "designer" tshirts, prettied up some of the 5yr olds "stained" shirts with a new lease on life!
I created a bunch of thank you cards using scraps of fabrics, wow wow wow...I just can't tell you all the things you can do with fabric....and my cheat for the week? Go to a local garage sale or thrift store, pick up a really cool shaped jar....get some brightly coloured, or colours to make your room and stuff those coloured fabrics in the jar.....viola! Art!
you wouldn't believe it.....beautiful
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Day 9 of 21
Work keeps getting in my way. How is a self expressive, texture addicted, colour enhanced gal supposed to get designs done, quilts done, pages and scrappy books done if I have to work?
Well it's all about time management. Work takes my time monday to friday from 7am to 4pm...then the kids need to be driven to sports, supper must be made or a coo would be started against me. Then and only then do I get to run away and throw fabric and sparkles in the air....seriously, i usually spend a quick 20 minutes cutting up kits, pages or something before a scream interrupts me, or a "mommmmm" gets yelled out from the bowels of our home.
I try to spend at least 30 minutes before bed in my creative space. It seems to calm me, get my brain thinking on a different track than what it was on during my work time, kid time and family time.
So, off the blog and into my creative space i go...have a great night everyone!
Well it's all about time management. Work takes my time monday to friday from 7am to 4pm...then the kids need to be driven to sports, supper must be made or a coo would be started against me. Then and only then do I get to run away and throw fabric and sparkles in the air....seriously, i usually spend a quick 20 minutes cutting up kits, pages or something before a scream interrupts me, or a "mommmmm" gets yelled out from the bowels of our home.
I try to spend at least 30 minutes before bed in my creative space. It seems to calm me, get my brain thinking on a different track than what it was on during my work time, kid time and family time.
So, off the blog and into my creative space i go...have a great night everyone!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Day 8 of 21
I am sooo tired. I couldn't sleep last night, staying awake until 5am and then being awoken at 6:15 by the dear hubby to ask if i was going to work didn't help either.
oh gosh, too many crafty ideas were swimming in my little head, I couldn't slow it down to go to sleep. However, in the depths of the night, in the silence of the house, i was able to work up 4 page layouts and a new quilt design for my 5" charm pack I've had "aging" for the last 3 years. keep your eyes peeled for its completion soon.
but for now, I will make this a short blog checkin and go have a much needed nap before I take the cuteness to her swim lessons.
PS I went to the local thrift store today, what deals, apacathy jars for my buttons only $2.00 and books for 10cents....hmmmm...i gotta put that on my to do list more often!
oh gosh, too many crafty ideas were swimming in my little head, I couldn't slow it down to go to sleep. However, in the depths of the night, in the silence of the house, i was able to work up 4 page layouts and a new quilt design for my 5" charm pack I've had "aging" for the last 3 years. keep your eyes peeled for its completion soon.
but for now, I will make this a short blog checkin and go have a much needed nap before I take the cuteness to her swim lessons.
PS I went to the local thrift store today, what deals, apacathy jars for my buttons only $2.00 and books for 10cents....hmmmm...i gotta put that on my to do list more often!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Day 7 of 21
It's Monday, a monday that I took off for a ME day....I spent the day running errands for teenagers. But lucky me I spent the evening with great friends at the guild meetings. It's so inpiring to see what others are doing.
Why don't scrapbookers have guilds? There's enough of us out there....would once a month be too much to meet? Would programming conflict with store workshops? hmmmm I'll have to look into this. (ah another thing on my too busy to do list).
Bachlorette is on tonight? i don't watch much television, i tend to rather spend my "quiet" time in my craft room. but alas, the terror trolls have scattered things around in my room so much it's frustrating me with it's messiness......do you get frustrated with a messy work room? Or do you thrive in it...let me know your secrets.
I get to join a class tommorrow night at Creative Scrapbooks with Gail Schaffler as the teacher...whoo hoo can't wait!....and what's your next class?
Why don't scrapbookers have guilds? There's enough of us out there....would once a month be too much to meet? Would programming conflict with store workshops? hmmmm I'll have to look into this. (ah another thing on my too busy to do list).
Bachlorette is on tonight? i don't watch much television, i tend to rather spend my "quiet" time in my craft room. but alas, the terror trolls have scattered things around in my room so much it's frustrating me with it's messiness......do you get frustrated with a messy work room? Or do you thrive in it...let me know your secrets.
I get to join a class tommorrow night at Creative Scrapbooks with Gail Schaffler as the teacher...whoo hoo can't wait!....and what's your next class?
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Day 6 of 21
Day 6 of 21
Isn’t today supposed to be a day of rest...I’ve been up since the sun decided to shine. The breakfast my family received would put any pancake house to shame. The laundry, although 4 feet high when I entered the room, is now only 1 foot in height. I managed to take 2 hours to run to the local scrapbooking store and use the Accucut machine to cut out 100 5 ¾ inch circles of fabrics and a ton of butterflies and maple leaf cut outs...and definitely did some damage on the huge sale table.
Upon return home to make a great taco salad lunch for the “hard working boys” I found a note on the door to say that all 3 of the boys (dh and 2 sons) had taken off to go to the Mopac and hockey card shop (which happens to be 2 stores down from my 2nd favorite scrapbook store) and they didn’t even call me to see if I wanted to go....dang it.
It’s only 3pm and I am exhausted, still working on the secret project for the Oktoberfest/Socktoberfest retreat...supper has to get on the stove but it is waaayyy to hot out for that.
I think we’ll have to order in tonight, and don’t forget my fav show is on tonight, Big Brother will tell the players who the Saboteur was...cause she was a twit and got kicked out the very first week! Duh!
So off to the workroom for a couple hours, til I have to feed the boys (if a miracle happens, they will stop and get themselves something)....
Hope your day of rest is restful, peaceful and lacking any chores of any kind.
Remember....make it your day!
Isn’t today supposed to be a day of rest...I’ve been up since the sun decided to shine. The breakfast my family received would put any pancake house to shame. The laundry, although 4 feet high when I entered the room, is now only 1 foot in height. I managed to take 2 hours to run to the local scrapbooking store and use the Accucut machine to cut out 100 5 ¾ inch circles of fabrics and a ton of butterflies and maple leaf cut outs...and definitely did some damage on the huge sale table.
Upon return home to make a great taco salad lunch for the “hard working boys” I found a note on the door to say that all 3 of the boys (dh and 2 sons) had taken off to go to the Mopac and hockey card shop (which happens to be 2 stores down from my 2nd favorite scrapbook store) and they didn’t even call me to see if I wanted to go....dang it.
It’s only 3pm and I am exhausted, still working on the secret project for the Oktoberfest/Socktoberfest retreat...supper has to get on the stove but it is waaayyy to hot out for that.
I think we’ll have to order in tonight, and don’t forget my fav show is on tonight, Big Brother will tell the players who the Saboteur was...cause she was a twit and got kicked out the very first week! Duh!
So off to the workroom for a couple hours, til I have to feed the boys (if a miracle happens, they will stop and get themselves something)....
Hope your day of rest is restful, peaceful and lacking any chores of any kind.
Remember....make it your day!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Day 5 of 21
Challenge....would you be up for a crafters challenge? I go online and join swaps all the time, but I was laying in bed last night thinking I should host a block challenge for the quilters out there and a page challenge for the scrappers....hmmm what theme is good for summer. Do you participate in challenges?
I have done page challenges at retreat and then we donated all the pages to the Make a Wish foundation. We done a block challenge and sewn the blocks together to make a quilt for Breast Cancer foundation.
hmmm i'll have to think about this one a bit more and get back to you all.
Challenge....would you be up for a crafters challenge? I go online and join swaps all the time, but I was laying in bed last night thinking I should host a block challenge for the quilters out there and a page challenge for the scrappers....hmmm what theme is good for summer. Do you participate in challenges?
I have done page challenges at retreat and then we donated all the pages to the Make a Wish foundation. We done a block challenge and sewn the blocks together to make a quilt for Breast Cancer foundation.
hmmm i'll have to think about this one a bit more and get back to you all.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Guilty pleasures????spill it!
Day 4 of 21
Guilty little pleasures....
What’s your guilty little pleasures...you know, those secret things you do or have that your “friends” would never believe?
I have two crazy ones that are too hilarious and I am sure ya'all are gonna be shocked.
o.k. first I secretly love watching Big Brother...yep, stupid reality show vixen by night, but man I think it’s hilarious. I would love to be in the house, I am sure I would see through all the cons and or tick off someone by week two (do you think they like the flat chested crafty types in there?). I am so addicted to the show that I will stop scrapbooking and quilting to run to the nearest television set to sit down in front of a boob tube, grab my favourite night time junk food snack and my cup of tea and scrutinize the hilarity.
My second guilty pleasure is my obsession with Bic pens. They “write right the first time every time” and that to me is worth it. They are inexpensive, come in great colours and they are lightweight and never explode in my purse like that gel one did.
So now that I’ve dished the dirt on my guilty little pleasures...what are yours?
Guilty little pleasures....
What’s your guilty little pleasures...you know, those secret things you do or have that your “friends” would never believe?
I have two crazy ones that are too hilarious and I am sure ya'all are gonna be shocked.
o.k. first I secretly love watching Big Brother...yep, stupid reality show vixen by night, but man I think it’s hilarious. I would love to be in the house, I am sure I would see through all the cons and or tick off someone by week two (do you think they like the flat chested crafty types in there?). I am so addicted to the show that I will stop scrapbooking and quilting to run to the nearest television set to sit down in front of a boob tube, grab my favourite night time junk food snack and my cup of tea and scrutinize the hilarity.
My second guilty pleasure is my obsession with Bic pens. They “write right the first time every time” and that to me is worth it. They are inexpensive, come in great colours and they are lightweight and never explode in my purse like that gel one did.
So now that I’ve dished the dirt on my guilty little pleasures...what are yours?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Day 3 of 21....ummmm made some cookies today to go with yesterdays muffins...now onto todays topic:
Season’s ...up here in Canada we have 3 seasons...winter, construction and rain....we don’t get alot of nice days....this does allow me more time in my craft room however! Quilting is hard to do in 28 degree weather, and don’t even go to the scrapbooking section, paper curled up from the humindity, stickers not sticking...ugh! I am rambling, sorry, back to the seasons...what’s your favourite season? Everyone who knows me knows that Halloween is MY season. I let others pretend to enjoy it too, but it is truly MINE. I start making costumes for my kids in July, I make costumes for my pets, for my house, for my yard, for my desk at work, everything can be made into something else for just one day!
When I was a kid, Halloween was the time to pretend, the time to dress up as something you always wanted to be or thought you wanted to be. I was always a tomboy, hard to believe I know. That meant I wanted to be combat guys, vampires, etc. And now look Vampires are all the RAGE...I love them even more now than ever!
What was your favourite season, tell me all about it.!
Season’s ...up here in Canada we have 3 seasons...winter, construction and rain....we don’t get alot of nice days....this does allow me more time in my craft room however! Quilting is hard to do in 28 degree weather, and don’t even go to the scrapbooking section, paper curled up from the humindity, stickers not sticking...ugh! I am rambling, sorry, back to the seasons...what’s your favourite season? Everyone who knows me knows that Halloween is MY season. I let others pretend to enjoy it too, but it is truly MINE. I start making costumes for my kids in July, I make costumes for my pets, for my house, for my yard, for my desk at work, everything can be made into something else for just one day!
When I was a kid, Halloween was the time to pretend, the time to dress up as something you always wanted to be or thought you wanted to be. I was always a tomboy, hard to believe I know. That meant I wanted to be combat guys, vampires, etc. And now look Vampires are all the RAGE...I love them even more now than ever!
What was your favourite season, tell me all about it.!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Day 2 of 21....are you?
Day 2 of 21 blog challenge
You have probably all heard the term “dedicated quilter” or “dedicated Scrapbooker”, you know the one that has at least a couple of sewing machines or Cricut machines, a room dedicated to art/craft and a stash that rivals any store – she is the envy of all of us.
Where do you think she/he gets their inspiration for all those drop dead gorgeous projects? They get it from the same place as you and I...from life. Everything around you can inspire you, from the cover of your cereal box to the advertisement in that magazine you’re reading right now. My greatest inspirations have always come from my friends and the ladies that I retreat with.
Surround yourself with a bunch of girlfriends and those craft men in your life (and some giggles) who all share the same passion as you do. Girlfriends of all ages, different experiences, different levels of expertise...it’s a wonderful thing. Enjoy your time with friends, they can teach you a lot. Plus, if you’re lucky, they let you raid their stash whenever you need too! And sometimes even when you don’t need to!
Remember Quilt or Scrapbook unsupervised...and dare to run with scissors! Everyone is creative, yes even you shaking your head!
You have probably all heard the term “dedicated quilter” or “dedicated Scrapbooker”, you know the one that has at least a couple of sewing machines or Cricut machines, a room dedicated to art/craft and a stash that rivals any store – she is the envy of all of us.
Where do you think she/he gets their inspiration for all those drop dead gorgeous projects? They get it from the same place as you and I...from life. Everything around you can inspire you, from the cover of your cereal box to the advertisement in that magazine you’re reading right now. My greatest inspirations have always come from my friends and the ladies that I retreat with.
Surround yourself with a bunch of girlfriends and those craft men in your life (and some giggles) who all share the same passion as you do. Girlfriends of all ages, different experiences, different levels of expertise...it’s a wonderful thing. Enjoy your time with friends, they can teach you a lot. Plus, if you’re lucky, they let you raid their stash whenever you need too! And sometimes even when you don’t need to!
Remember Quilt or Scrapbook unsupervised...and dare to run with scissors! Everyone is creative, yes even you shaking your head!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Day 1 of 21
OK so I am on day 1 of my promise to blog for 21 days in a row! ohhh ahhh...i know all of you are sooo excited right!
on to the blog....
Turning "Someday" into Today
Some Tough Options
It's time for some cold, hard facts. You and I are quilters, scrapbookers, crafters.
We're not going to be able to read every book that we want. We'll never have time to watch all of the Harry Potter movies or the New Moon Saga (yum vampires). The house will never be clean enough for your mother-n-laws visits. There will always be another errand to run including the 2 errands you forgot about when you were doing 10other things while using the swiffer (frannie that one is for you). The grass will continue to grow no matter how much compost you throw on it and send the kids out to play on it to trample it. Everything you buy will need to be dusted, repaired, maintained or disposed of in some way, well except of course your stash, it needs to be organized, colour coded, size coded and oh yeah, ready for inspection by your friends who are "borrowing" from your stash!
This is not a critique of any lack of organizational skills on your part and definatley not mind either, or a reason to give up altogether (i tried that and found out that I am not a quitter, yet). Rather, it's a statement of freedom, freedom to be creative no matter whats going on.
When you know that life will still be waiting for you tomorrow--no matter what gosh darn it--it gives you the freedom to make today count as much as possible, so go to your craft and spend at least 10 minutes on anything. "Someday" is right now, it's later, it's tomorrow, it's always. Anytime. And that is exciting, if you let it be, will you let it be?
Try to give yourself 10 minutes each day? your someday
on to the blog....
Turning "Someday" into Today
Some Tough Options
It's time for some cold, hard facts. You and I are quilters, scrapbookers, crafters.
We're not going to be able to read every book that we want. We'll never have time to watch all of the Harry Potter movies or the New Moon Saga (yum vampires). The house will never be clean enough for your mother-n-laws visits. There will always be another errand to run including the 2 errands you forgot about when you were doing 10other things while using the swiffer (frannie that one is for you). The grass will continue to grow no matter how much compost you throw on it and send the kids out to play on it to trample it. Everything you buy will need to be dusted, repaired, maintained or disposed of in some way, well except of course your stash, it needs to be organized, colour coded, size coded and oh yeah, ready for inspection by your friends who are "borrowing" from your stash!
This is not a critique of any lack of organizational skills on your part and definatley not mind either, or a reason to give up altogether (i tried that and found out that I am not a quitter, yet). Rather, it's a statement of freedom, freedom to be creative no matter whats going on.
When you know that life will still be waiting for you tomorrow--no matter what gosh darn it--it gives you the freedom to make today count as much as possible, so go to your craft and spend at least 10 minutes on anything. "Someday" is right now, it's later, it's tomorrow, it's always. Anytime. And that is exciting, if you let it be, will you let it be?
Try to give yourself 10 minutes each day? your someday
New Idea...Some call it crazy
I am going to try to do a post every day for 21 days..make a habit or break a habit right....o.k. so it will have to be during lunch time, since i work full time, but dang it...i'm gonna try.
Honestly, what's one more thing on my plate....will you follow the ramblings ????
Honestly, what's one more thing on my plate....will you follow the ramblings ????
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Swaps and More
I am so excited by all the swaps out there...joined the Posy needle case swap...can't wait....fun fun and more fun.
Learnt a new technique for quilt as you go on connecting threads the other day, so I made a baby quilt with the technique (picture at bottom of page) and it only took me 2hours from start to finishing using the only 11 half pieces of a jelly roll!
try it you will love it.
Learnt a new technique for quilt as you go on connecting threads the other day, so I made a baby quilt with the technique (picture at bottom of page) and it only took me 2hours from start to finishing using the only 11 half pieces of a jelly roll!
try it you will love it.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Lately, i have been fascinated by all the swaps available out there. Have you participated in any swaps? I joined a Modern Ziggy Swap, which I await my autograph blocks back within the next 3 weeks, signed by fellow quilters from all over the world...this stash will be put together and made into my retreat quilt!
I just joined the applique posy needle case swap...the ideas have been swarming in my brain for the details of this one.
My next one i hope for is a block exchange, but in the meantime, i have joined the summer quilt along with my good friend Bradie Sparrow "a quilty kind of girl" for her quilt sampler for the summer.
Let me hear about your swaps....i've even done page swaps for my scrapbooking! it's so much fun!
I just joined the applique posy needle case swap...the ideas have been swarming in my brain for the details of this one.
My next one i hope for is a block exchange, but in the meantime, i have joined the summer quilt along with my good friend Bradie Sparrow "a quilty kind of girl" for her quilt sampler for the summer.
Let me hear about your swaps....i've even done page swaps for my scrapbooking! it's so much fun!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Schools Out...do you craft in the summer?
My work keeps me busy all summer, and with 4 kids, that means swim lessons, no daycare, and teenagers and a 5yr old to occupy with things to do. Do you quilt or scrapbook over the summer? i tend to make alot of quilt tops over the summer and wait for cooler weather to actually do the quilting. My scrapbooks tend to be filled with alot of digital pages over the summer, it's just easier in the heat to take my laptop out on the deck than to sit in my craft room.
i have found alot of blogs lately with tons of free designs, free patterns, free alot!
how often do you jump around on blogs to find ideas?
i have found alot of blogs lately with tons of free designs, free patterns, free alot!
how often do you jump around on blogs to find ideas?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
It's been a long couple weeks...and you?
Wow, the last post was April 27th...and I shake my head it seems like it's been a million years since then. I've celebrated my mom's 60th birthday with her, enjoyed a quiet mothers day, visited with my sister and her boyfriend who live in the North West Territories and wondered daily when I could get into my craft room to create.
I feel like I've ran a marathon on a daily basis for the past two weeks. I sure hope being 39 doesn't stay this busy, I don't seem to have time to think. Do you ever encounter this? Let me know your secrets please.
I've spent quite a bit of time lately cataloguing my house contents on my laptop and photographing everything for insurance. Did you know if you don't have it done, your insurance company doesn't have to cover all your contents? Me either, didn't know so I've been diligently going room by room.
Then i went into my craft room. BIG MISTAKE. have you ever wondered just how much you have in "assets" in your craft supplies? Well, let me give you a hint, just my "tools" for scrapbooking and quilting have totalled up to over $11,000.00 without counting stickers, paper, embellishments, fabric (and that's gotta be at least $10G's) Threads, etc. WOWSERS...my hubby can never find out! Seriously, I used to joke that is old hot rod in the garage would always be more than the accumulation of my "things"....shhhh, I think I have him beat!
Wow, Wow, wow, now I get why my friends joke about "shopping" at my house.
In my mad organizing and reshuffling of my craft room, i sorted all my stuff in organizational boxes, drawers, etc. Then I decided to hang on slack hangers all of my Quilt Tops that were complete with their binding and put them all in the closet so I can see them, this way if I feel the urge, I can grab one, sandwich it and quilt away. I thought i had about a dozen quilt tops laying around ready to be finished, boy was i wrong. I currently am the proud owner of 29 unfinished quilt tops. OPPs...better get on these quick and get them to the long armer...
Well here's to all of you and your collections of supplies....remember she who dies with the most stuff, leaves behind friends with huge smiles and stashes!!!
I feel like I've ran a marathon on a daily basis for the past two weeks. I sure hope being 39 doesn't stay this busy, I don't seem to have time to think. Do you ever encounter this? Let me know your secrets please.
I've spent quite a bit of time lately cataloguing my house contents on my laptop and photographing everything for insurance. Did you know if you don't have it done, your insurance company doesn't have to cover all your contents? Me either, didn't know so I've been diligently going room by room.
Then i went into my craft room. BIG MISTAKE. have you ever wondered just how much you have in "assets" in your craft supplies? Well, let me give you a hint, just my "tools" for scrapbooking and quilting have totalled up to over $11,000.00 without counting stickers, paper, embellishments, fabric (and that's gotta be at least $10G's) Threads, etc. WOWSERS...my hubby can never find out! Seriously, I used to joke that is old hot rod in the garage would always be more than the accumulation of my "things"....shhhh, I think I have him beat!
Wow, Wow, wow, now I get why my friends joke about "shopping" at my house.
In my mad organizing and reshuffling of my craft room, i sorted all my stuff in organizational boxes, drawers, etc. Then I decided to hang on slack hangers all of my Quilt Tops that were complete with their binding and put them all in the closet so I can see them, this way if I feel the urge, I can grab one, sandwich it and quilt away. I thought i had about a dozen quilt tops laying around ready to be finished, boy was i wrong. I currently am the proud owner of 29 unfinished quilt tops. OPPs...better get on these quick and get them to the long armer...
Well here's to all of you and your collections of supplies....remember she who dies with the most stuff, leaves behind friends with huge smiles and stashes!!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

As a Newbee Designer, I'm happy to announce that it's true! EQ7 is being released in June 2010! Here are some details that you must know.
Quilts, Blocks and New Photos!
Digital Cameras will become a quilter's best friend. EQ7 has dozens of ways to turn everyday photos into quilt art images. Or crop and edit scanned fabrics right in EQ7 in minutes. And that's just the start!
New Activation Policy
You'll never run out of EQ7 activations! Activations and deactivation is as easy as two clicks of the mouse. Install on as many computers as you like and quickly transfer activations from computer to computer. This new policy gives you complete freedom to manage your own activations - and no dongle to worry about!
EQ7 is the most user-friendly full-featured quilting software yet. Complete user manual 22 printable full-colour PDF lessons (115 pages)Point-and-read info on each tool - now linked directly to Help topics, 10 videos targeted for beginners, even Frannie will be able to figure it out...(luv ya frannie)67 "How do I"? topics; printable stepped-out instructions for doing everything from printing English paper-piecing templates to drawing a New York Beauty.(i won't be paper piecing a full quilt, duh)
Built-in Help buttons are everywhere, targeted to the task you are working with.
New Block tools for creating original blocks instantly without drawing (did they say they resize the blocks, yeah, no more math!)Blocks size themselves - just drag and drop on the quilt..hello i see a little bit of heaven in here!
User upgrading from EQ6 will feel right at home, or better yet, feel like they've stumbled upon something of a magnificent scale!
Exactly the same friendly interface, plus loads of new user-requested features.
5000 copyright -free blocks for your designer needs, 5000 new scanned fabrics, plus gray scale textures yippee, love the gray scale...120 new pre-designed quilt layouts
Snap blocks to a Quilt Grid and viola, you have your quilt.Instant border blocks with greatly expanded Auto Borders, borders are my favourite part of each quilt.
Print multiple photos on fabric, for those fab memory quilts that everyone loves.
Create original fabric designs from photos, then print them on fabric for your own personal stash. Use dozens of artistic effects, making everyday photos look like watercolours or impressionist paintings (look out art world, the quilters are taking over) 79 new features in all since EQ6, Netbook compatible for you mini's. Laptops and desktop computers will never feel the same again.
Shipping will begin June 7, 2010! System requirements are excellent.
Minimum system requirements: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (32 or 64 bit, Internent access 750 MB of available hard-disk space, CD-ROM drive. Netbook compatible, Internet requires activation, deactivation and periodic validations.
Recommended: Monitor with screen resolution of 1024x768 or greater, Adobe Reader, sound card for demo videos. Remember that if you are a mac user, you will need a PC reader! Check out http://www.electricquilt.com/
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
have you ever been on retreat? If not you are missing out on a real experience.
I happen to run a little retreat business, and it all started way back when because I loved going to retreat and couldn't get enough dates through my local stores.
If you have been on retreat, then you know what I am talking about when I say our record is 6:30am...yep someone(me in fact) stayed up all night and went to bed at 6:30 in the morning. When that creativity bug hits you, you just can't hold back. Retreats make it easier to be creative, there is no spouse calling your name, no kids yelling for you, no chores, no meals to make (THEY MAKE THEM FOR YOU) and no interruptions unless you do the interrupting for a nice walk down to the lake or a quick trip from the lodge into town for some "retail therapy".
I get very excited before a retreat begins, wondering what will I take to work on, what will i get done, or not done? Who will I meet? There is always a newbee at retreat and meeting over 300 new people in the past 3 years has been the ultimate highlight of my retreat experiences.
Sock Monkeys are our theme, my friends and I have become "addicted" to these cute and memory filled little creatures. We each have one, they all have names, they (the monkey's) have outfits, quilts of their own, books, scrapbooks and "keepers"...it's actually a really fun time, the monkeys tend to do the things that we would never!!!hahahaha
If you haven't enjoyed a retreat yet, GO, let nothing stop you, it's a great down time, great relaxing time and superb for regenerating yourself.....ENJOY!
visit our retreats at www.gigglesandgirlfriends.com
I happen to run a little retreat business, and it all started way back when because I loved going to retreat and couldn't get enough dates through my local stores.
If you have been on retreat, then you know what I am talking about when I say our record is 6:30am...yep someone(me in fact) stayed up all night and went to bed at 6:30 in the morning. When that creativity bug hits you, you just can't hold back. Retreats make it easier to be creative, there is no spouse calling your name, no kids yelling for you, no chores, no meals to make (THEY MAKE THEM FOR YOU) and no interruptions unless you do the interrupting for a nice walk down to the lake or a quick trip from the lodge into town for some "retail therapy".
I get very excited before a retreat begins, wondering what will I take to work on, what will i get done, or not done? Who will I meet? There is always a newbee at retreat and meeting over 300 new people in the past 3 years has been the ultimate highlight of my retreat experiences.
Sock Monkeys are our theme, my friends and I have become "addicted" to these cute and memory filled little creatures. We each have one, they all have names, they (the monkey's) have outfits, quilts of their own, books, scrapbooks and "keepers"...it's actually a really fun time, the monkeys tend to do the things that we would never!!!hahahaha
If you haven't enjoyed a retreat yet, GO, let nothing stop you, it's a great down time, great relaxing time and superb for regenerating yourself.....ENJOY!
visit our retreats at www.gigglesandgirlfriends.com
Friday, March 26, 2010
What drives you to keep creative?
What drives you...and not your DH to get you to the store for more supplies! haha...
My surroundings usually are my muse....I was quilting with the window open the other day and heard my chipmunks coming to life after their long winter of hibernation...it got me thinking about how much I hibernate when the snow is on the ground, so I started a new project...yep one more for the UFO pile. I am going to do a scrapbook page 12x12 out of my Quilting stash to make a page that shows what I do in the "hibernation mode" of my winter...and then do a second page to represent what I do in spring!
What gets your creativity going????
Have a great weekend! Get lots done!
My surroundings usually are my muse....I was quilting with the window open the other day and heard my chipmunks coming to life after their long winter of hibernation...it got me thinking about how much I hibernate when the snow is on the ground, so I started a new project...yep one more for the UFO pile. I am going to do a scrapbook page 12x12 out of my Quilting stash to make a page that shows what I do in the "hibernation mode" of my winter...and then do a second page to represent what I do in spring!
What gets your creativity going????
Have a great weekend! Get lots done!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Fear and Fright Don't scare me!
Have you ever had a block, scrappers block, quilters block any block at all?
I've had the quilting block for the last 3 weeks, meaning productivity has been low on Quilting, but huge and encouraging on Scrapbooking....
Sometimes, if I think back to dates and times that the blocks have come, they are usually when something "not so nice" has occurred in my life. I am trying to overcome this and not let fear or fright ruin my creative juices.
Tell me how you manage yours....we could all use the help on how to get creative when we're really not feeling that way!
cheers for now!
I've had the quilting block for the last 3 weeks, meaning productivity has been low on Quilting, but huge and encouraging on Scrapbooking....
Sometimes, if I think back to dates and times that the blocks have come, they are usually when something "not so nice" has occurred in my life. I am trying to overcome this and not let fear or fright ruin my creative juices.
Tell me how you manage yours....we could all use the help on how to get creative when we're really not feeling that way!
cheers for now!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Creativity HITS when you least expect it....
When does your creativity hit?...when you're at a crop or retreat or by yourself at home? When you're in your craft room or riding the bus? Mine seems to hit when i least expect it....tonight I was watching Julie & Julia the movie (very funny), and darn it if I didn't get the craving to play right in the middle of the movie....not fair at all, I've waited a long time to watch that movie. So I sat through the movie, feeling inspired and gosh when it was over I think I jumped up all 18 steps to my craft room in one leaping bound...well one step at a time, cause I'm a little too chunky for leaping anymore, but I made good time. I then had the dilemma of which craft to work on...My OZ quilt is still on the board and has to be finished soon. However, I bought some really cool Tattered Angels Mist the other day and wanted to play with that as well.
I really don't know how people decide, how do you manage to juggle more than one craft?
Well back to my muse! Good Night everyone
I really don't know how people decide, how do you manage to juggle more than one craft?
Well back to my muse! Good Night everyone
Friday, February 26, 2010
Are you a Momprenuer? I was "accused" of being one the other day...I kinda like the title! I look at the title as a badge of honour. The badge of success and learning from failures to gain more experience. Have you ever heard that experience is what you get when you fail? My momprenuer status is going to stick! Maybe I'll get a tshirt made...I do alot of things and my retreat business has been my most successfull and the one that I am most proud of. I started to do it for others, with no profit at all, now I only charge enough to cover costs and I still am doing it for the ladies who come out, the ladies, who just like me deserve a break, deserve some time to do their own thing!
Are you a momprenuer, sure you are...you manage a family, a home, a job and in some cases a hubby or lack thereof...but yes we are all momprenuers! Wear your badge proudly, i will wear mine for sure!
Cheers have a great weekend everyone!
Are you a momprenuer, sure you are...you manage a family, a home, a job and in some cases a hubby or lack thereof...but yes we are all momprenuers! Wear your badge proudly, i will wear mine for sure!
Cheers have a great weekend everyone!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Join the Quilt Along
click on PSI Quilt to join her 12 week pinwheel Quilt-a-long...it's gonna be fun!
Monday, February 22, 2010
to buy a new "toy" or not!
Well, I have been humming and hawing for weeks now, maybe even months...should I buy a long arm machine or not. A friend bought one and loves it. I could really use it for much more than just my quilts. I could start a mini business up.
The pro's and con's are endless. The cost is, well....expensive but the results are totally worth it.
Would you ? If you could buy the latest and greatest gadget for your craft would you?
I would also love a cricut (a little more manageable I know), but I am waiting!
Tell me what you think.
The pro's and con's are endless. The cost is, well....expensive but the results are totally worth it.
Would you ? If you could buy the latest and greatest gadget for your craft would you?
I would also love a cricut (a little more manageable I know), but I am waiting!
Tell me what you think.
Friday, February 19, 2010
are you competitive? Maybe a little...?
I enjoy viewing other peoples scrapbook pages, their quilts, i love it all...it inspires me, I never thought of entering anything into any type of competition until yesterday!
I entered a quilt I made a friends baby boy into a online quilt competition, now all my friends have been voting along and emailing that they voted and each email gets me more and more excited...not that I'll win, but that my friends all love the quilt so much.
I am knee deep in the Wizard of OZ fabrics right now. I decided a month or so ago that I would enter Fons & Porters competition and their theme is "oz". So I went through my stash, found some fabrics i bought during a trip to Las Vegas and the Christmas Goose Quilt Shop (love it there ladies) and brought home to CANADA...now these fabulous morsels are slowing going into my first "big competition". My dear sweet husband drew the design of the quilt (man he is good, if only i could get him to quilt?) and I've been slushing through the fabric to get the pieces just right and put together to reflect what he drew.
Have you ever entered a Quilt? It sure is nerve racking...perfection perfection, and then an opps...but what fun, it's kinda nice having a deadline, knowing it will be done, not just another UFO (unfinished object)...my scrapbooking has been on the wayside in the meantime, but hopefully next weekend I will get to play with friends at a crop!
Until later my sweetie peeps!
I enjoy viewing other peoples scrapbook pages, their quilts, i love it all...it inspires me, I never thought of entering anything into any type of competition until yesterday!
I entered a quilt I made a friends baby boy into a online quilt competition, now all my friends have been voting along and emailing that they voted and each email gets me more and more excited...not that I'll win, but that my friends all love the quilt so much.
I am knee deep in the Wizard of OZ fabrics right now. I decided a month or so ago that I would enter Fons & Porters competition and their theme is "oz". So I went through my stash, found some fabrics i bought during a trip to Las Vegas and the Christmas Goose Quilt Shop (love it there ladies) and brought home to CANADA...now these fabulous morsels are slowing going into my first "big competition". My dear sweet husband drew the design of the quilt (man he is good, if only i could get him to quilt?) and I've been slushing through the fabric to get the pieces just right and put together to reflect what he drew.
Have you ever entered a Quilt? It sure is nerve racking...perfection perfection, and then an opps...but what fun, it's kinda nice having a deadline, knowing it will be done, not just another UFO (unfinished object)...my scrapbooking has been on the wayside in the meantime, but hopefully next weekend I will get to play with friends at a crop!
Until later my sweetie peeps!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Quilt Contest Needs your VOTE
Visit the Quilting Gallery, I've entered a quilt for their competition on sports quilts, if you have the opportunity to vote, please vote for my quilt NHL Superstar!
Visit the Quilting Gallery, I've entered a quilt for their competition on sports quilts, if you have the opportunity to vote, please vote for my quilt NHL Superstar!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Is anybody out there
Ever think you're all alone, well take off the ipod and listen to all the sounds around you as you quilt/scrapbook. I usually put my headphones back on quickly, cause there is gonna be a kid in my house screaming sooner or later. The good news is, my hubby is so great to me, if I need "craft" time, I shut my door and he deals with the herd!
Sweet as pie! Someday, I'm gonna get that man to quilt. He's already trying to design stuff for me to make, so what's another step? Oh goodness, does that mean I'd have to share my stash with him, or does it mean he'll have his own for me to steal from?
Hope your week is going well!
My coughing, hacking, sore throat is almost fully repaired! yeah!
Sweet as pie! Someday, I'm gonna get that man to quilt. He's already trying to design stuff for me to make, so what's another step? Oh goodness, does that mean I'd have to share my stash with him, or does it mean he'll have his own for me to steal from?
Hope your week is going well!
My coughing, hacking, sore throat is almost fully repaired! yeah!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Been a while
first off:
thanks for all the Hi's and How do you do's.
yall are the BESTest people eh! most kind peeps on the planet.
thanks for being patient while my life spins out of control.(once again)
so what's going on in the duncan house?
well i haven't touched my scrapbooking supplies since December, however my sewing machine and I got reaquainted this weekend to catchup on my Mystery Quilt Blocks! i won't even admit how long it's been and how far behind I was....
our laundry is beyond breeding. it's taken over the laundry room and the hallway now.
Staying up til 1am decorating barbie birthday cakes has made me realize that the stupid chick has a perfect body, great clothes she can now each cause they are made of icing and she's my 5yr olds favourite today not me! :(
i have a million and a half emails to answer.
the Secret Sister quilt along is staring at me and it's making me nervous.
and i'm up against a major quilty deadline with my competition quilt.
it's times like these when i wished there were 3 of me.
the good news is, one of my Peeps LC is back in town, let the fun begin.
{hey ma: maybe you'll come help me with laundry, please?!?!}kidding!
i know my blog has been quiet.
please just know i am thinking about yall.
{and all the stuff that i should be getting done.}
for now i will continue to live on yogurt and Starbucks coffee to get me through the days.
miss everyone.
Weighed in last night....-5lbs...yeah!
thanks for all the Hi's and How do you do's.
yall are the BESTest people eh! most kind peeps on the planet.
thanks for being patient while my life spins out of control.(once again)
so what's going on in the duncan house?
well i haven't touched my scrapbooking supplies since December, however my sewing machine and I got reaquainted this weekend to catchup on my Mystery Quilt Blocks! i won't even admit how long it's been and how far behind I was....
our laundry is beyond breeding. it's taken over the laundry room and the hallway now.
Staying up til 1am decorating barbie birthday cakes has made me realize that the stupid chick has a perfect body, great clothes she can now each cause they are made of icing and she's my 5yr olds favourite today not me! :(
i have a million and a half emails to answer.
the Secret Sister quilt along is staring at me and it's making me nervous.
and i'm up against a major quilty deadline with my competition quilt.
it's times like these when i wished there were 3 of me.
the good news is, one of my Peeps LC is back in town, let the fun begin.
{hey ma: maybe you'll come help me with laundry, please?!?!}kidding!
i know my blog has been quiet.
please just know i am thinking about yall.
{and all the stuff that i should be getting done.}
for now i will continue to live on yogurt and Starbucks coffee to get me through the days.
miss everyone.
Weighed in last night....-5lbs...yeah!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Prep for Retreat
Well today is Sunday and I have a retreat on Friday, 3 days with some great scrapbookers and quilters. I can't wait, it's the best time for me, getting everything ready to ensure everyone has a great time.
Seeing all the creativity that happens at retreat is mind blowing...I honestly think I get more inspired at retreat than any other place.
Well, off to pack and prep! Have a great week everyone.
Seeing all the creativity that happens at retreat is mind blowing...I honestly think I get more inspired at retreat than any other place.
Well, off to pack and prep! Have a great week everyone.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Saturday Morning and the Weekends Here
What is your weekends like? If you're a mom, they could be full of transportation with kids from one event to another....if you don't have kids at home, it could be full of volunteer activities, or for either it could be tidying the house, laundry, planning meals for next week or and I hope scrapbooking or quilting for at least a few hours....
My weekend started at 7:30am, up and breakfast then taking the 4year old to gymnastics, home to throw in a couple loads of laundry, vacuum and tidy the main floor. prep camera for the 1:45pm hockey game for 13year old and help the 14yr old with homework...geesh and it's on 11:30am.....my plan is to be in my craft room by 6pm tonight, locking the door and staying up late.....
what's your weekend like?
My weekend started at 7:30am, up and breakfast then taking the 4year old to gymnastics, home to throw in a couple loads of laundry, vacuum and tidy the main floor. prep camera for the 1:45pm hockey game for 13year old and help the 14yr old with homework...geesh and it's on 11:30am.....my plan is to be in my craft room by 6pm tonight, locking the door and staying up late.....
what's your weekend like?
Friday, January 8, 2010
OK, YEAH i have my blog started (by popular demand of course), oh no, I have a blog started, this is scary....will i have time? will i be entertaining enough for you folks? Awwww shucks, what am i worried about, you are all so great, I could write about nothing and you'd still love me!
Cheers everyone, let me know what topics you'd like to hear about and I'll be happy to write....sign in, say hello!!! This is soo much fun! Don't forget to visit the Retreat website to come out and enjoy retreat with our little FAMILY!
Cheers everyone, let me know what topics you'd like to hear about and I'll be happy to write....sign in, say hello!!! This is soo much fun! Don't forget to visit the Retreat website to come out and enjoy retreat with our little FAMILY!
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