Unique, creative and oohh so much fun....
I am an avid Quilter and Scrapbooker and this blog is dedicated to my two (three) passions...plus the retreat business,www.gigglesandgirlfriends.com UNSUPERVISED AND RUNNING WITH SCISSORS! CAUSE GOSH DARN IT PEOPLE LIKE YOU!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK I am very very sorry, it's been way too long since i posted, and I have dutifully punished myself on your behalf...however while I was away I was very productive, very energized and I am back with a vengenance for all things CRAFTY! I've taken a class with Shauna Case, Quilt Designer to the stars! I've made 3 customer quilts, I've organized my quilt/scrapbook and crafty room and boy oh boy do I have some great ideas for you my Loyal Blog Babes! So first things first...do you know what a QR Code is? I didn't until my buddy Vicky told me it's that little square jumble of black and white that you scan with your phone to jump to websites....so i just had to have one you know! Here it is...go ahead and scan it, tell me what you think!
Until next time, and boy oh boy do i have some great ideas to come!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Your Work Room
I saw yesterday on Modabakeshop that they were doing a "show and tell" of everyone's work spaces. This intrigued me greatly. I've been fusing with my "work room" for over 3 years! Basement, bedroom, office, I can never really figure out the best spot for my work area. Storage space is always an issue. Looks and esthetic appeal are huge on my list. If it doesn't feel cozy, then I won't want to work in it!
Here's my shout out...what are some of your favourite things in your work space? Storage, chairs, entertainment, tables.....I think I need to renovate????
have a great day!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
The long road ahead
Have you ever looked at your UFO pile of projects and felt a sharp stabbing pain in your chest? I gathered all of mine this week, all 43 quilt tops, 13 on-the-go half made projects and thought "this is going to be impossible". I don't know where to start. I looked online for helpfull advice, but alas all I found was more followers to my great cause of project loving and not being able to close the deal. I'm sure you can all sympathize with me, everyone's had that one project that has sat forever, you know the one, "finish in a weekend!" and in reality it takes you years....
I think I've found a somewhat plausible and doable solution. It's a step by step program. Follow me here and tell me what you think.
1. Gather all your projects in one place and sort them by size and by what stage they are on. (needs quilting, needs sandwiching, still needs some borders or blocks finished).
2. Take the projects needing sandwiching and match those up with backing fabric that you have on hand. Sandwich these then put them in the "ready to quilt pile". Wow sees you've just reduced your stash by one whole pile! Congrats!
3. Take the projects that need borders and get the fabric from your stash for the borderd and match these up. Set these aside layering them in a rubbermaid tote container. (I love using the long narrow ones for under beds and I use less folds in my quilts and they stack neatly under my quilting station.
4. Now this process is supposed to help you feel as though you're making an impact on those ufo's so at this stage you need to go to the "ready to quilt" pile and grab the smallest one there and go ahead and quilt it. Whoopee, now you've actually made twice the difference you did two steps ago. Congrats!
Next week I'll go through the next steps, however until then, measure all the quilts that needs quilting and go ahead and make your binding for them and put the binding in a sandwich bag and pin to the quilt so it doesn't get lost. This step helps you on the finishing step, when the binding is already made, you can quickly transition from quilting straight to binding that quilt and getting it on a bed.
See you next week for the second step!
I think I've found a somewhat plausible and doable solution. It's a step by step program. Follow me here and tell me what you think.
1. Gather all your projects in one place and sort them by size and by what stage they are on. (needs quilting, needs sandwiching, still needs some borders or blocks finished).
2. Take the projects needing sandwiching and match those up with backing fabric that you have on hand. Sandwich these then put them in the "ready to quilt pile". Wow sees you've just reduced your stash by one whole pile! Congrats!
3. Take the projects that need borders and get the fabric from your stash for the borderd and match these up. Set these aside layering them in a rubbermaid tote container. (I love using the long narrow ones for under beds and I use less folds in my quilts and they stack neatly under my quilting station.
4. Now this process is supposed to help you feel as though you're making an impact on those ufo's so at this stage you need to go to the "ready to quilt" pile and grab the smallest one there and go ahead and quilt it. Whoopee, now you've actually made twice the difference you did two steps ago. Congrats!
Next week I'll go through the next steps, however until then, measure all the quilts that needs quilting and go ahead and make your binding for them and put the binding in a sandwich bag and pin to the quilt so it doesn't get lost. This step helps you on the finishing step, when the binding is already made, you can quickly transition from quilting straight to binding that quilt and getting it on a bed.
See you next week for the second step!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Annual gathering of the guilds
What a super night! Members from all over Alberta the uk and Wisconsin were there. Lots of great ideas doe my next quilt and superb ideas for your next quilt!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Summertime Quilt a Long with QUILTING CALLERY
This summer I am participating in the Quilting Gallery QAL (that's Quilt-a-long) for any newbee's...it's great and it's never too late to join in. Michele has it all setup for beginners, but anyone who is experienced can tag along too and help with tips and tricks and gosh golly get a quilt done in 13 weeks!!!
Join me and my fellow quilty sisters in her QAL....see below for her fun intro and a picture of my fabrics that I'll be using.
This summertime, join us for a Beginner’s Quilt-Along! We’ll be making 12 or 13 – 12″ finished blocks for our quilt. You’ll have two options for putting your quilt together: either a standard layout with 4 rows and 3 blocks per row or an on-point layout that Pat Sloan will be teaching us how to do. The blocks are a Mystery .. you’ll have to check back each week to see the latest one.
The on-point layout uses 13 blocks while the standard layout uses 12, though you could use the 13th block in the piecing of your quilt’s backing. Both quilts will have sashing (and an option for cornerstones), a small 1″ border and a large 6″ border. The quilt made with the standard layout finishes at 54″ x 67″ and the on-point layout finishes at 56.5″ 69″ square.
This is truly a Beginner’s Quilt-Along .. the first 10 blocks are no more complicated than creating half-square triangles. The remaining three blocks up the complexity level a little, but once you’ve done the first blocks, you’ll be a pro and able to tackle them with ease. All of the blocks are based on a 3×3 grid, which means they are made up of 3 rows and 3 columns, i.e. large pieces. We’ll be sharing tips, tricks, tools and links to other resources so you can learn not just from us but from others too.
This will be the landing page for the quilt-along where all the links will be housed for you to easily find the blocks. We’ll get started June 7th and finish up the quilt-along mid September. You’ll have ample time to quilt your finished top and bind it in time to give to someone special this Christmas.
Even if you’re beyond the Beginner’s stage in your quilting, we hope you’ll join us to make this easy quilt and perhaps learn a trick or even share with others your own way of completing the blocks.
There will be random prizes awarded each week chosen from those that finish the block from the previous week. You’ll need to submit your finished block to the Beginner’s Quilt-Along Flickr Group to be eligible. There will also be grand prizes randomly awarded to those that complete the top. More information to come on prizes and sponsors.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Making a mystery quilt
Have u ever done a mystery quilt? Below photos are the pieces I've chosen to use in the quilters club of America mystery quilt! Hmmm can't wait to see the finished product.
And the blue,white and black are part of my tops and tails exchange with the binding bunnies!
And the blue,white and black are part of my tops and tails exchange with the binding bunnies!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
A blog by any other name...
So if you're a person who blogs regular than you're probably in shock right now! It's been a long time since I've posted. Not because I didn't want to, I've just been so busy. Everyone has those times in their lives when reality kicks in and you must put all your other funzies things on hold. I had to put my blog on hold. Well look out everyone I am back! I've been busy while away. Hanging with friends, enjoying retreats, working and hickey and family life. I've attached some photos to share, enjoy!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wow, time flies when you live in the fast lane. It's been ages since I posted! And my sincerest apologies to all of you. This last year was a huge struggle for me and my family, and I can only hope and pray that the new year blesses us with some really kick ass great news, great times an dmemories, and tons of loving families.
My quilting continues, although I am dying to attend some new classes and upgrade my skills. My scrapbooking is on again off again, as usual! And my retreat business is going forward, always a blast with the ladies and always meeting new people, really enhancing my life lessons....shhh don't let them know!
Well I wish everyone a very merry festive season, hope, love and joy to all.
Remember, do it only if it makes YOU feel good!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Where has she been?
Good Morning Vietnam!!!!!!!!!!!!! No actually it feels like a war zone in my little tiny spec of the world. I have been crazy busy, busier than usual and can't figure out why! (oh yeah, because i still can't say NO!).
(This is Joey's Retirement Quilt that I made her, Longarm Quilted by the talented Mrs. Schaffler)
Anywhooo....i've taken my two weeks vacation (in JUly) from my "real paying" job and took the time to "purge & organization" my home. Yep, under the bathroom counters, closests, kitchen cabinets, everywhere! Wow do I have alot of stuff! Not the "oh my goodness she's a hoarder" but the "do i really need this if it's been in the basement for a year" kinda stuff. Speaking of the "basement", I spent two of my vacation days getting the spare room down there all prepped and ready for our new son! Yep, we are taking in a Billet (a young hockey player) to come live with us as is "pretend family" while he reaches for the stars and his dreams of becoming a famous hockey star! He'll be welcomed to a room with great hockey favourites all hung in frames on the walls, a brand new homemade pillow case and quilt just for him.
The basement houses my new design studio, so they pushed all my stuff to one end and created their (the DH and 2 boys) own little oasis on the other end. Weight bench, excersise bike, treadmill, TV etc. They are promising to build me a wall to sheild my delicate fabrics from the horrors of teenage puberty and "ewww sweat"! Then last friday a larger than life electrical storm hit our town, bang, pow pop and the rain came down sooo hard that it busted through the seams of the window to the basement....now before all you crafty gals get heart palpatations cause you know of the "stash", the water only seeped in at the end of the basement where the weight room was! whew! guessing some higher power felt the need to cleanse that area! hahahaha...the boys had to rip out the hardwood laminate on that end of the basement and they've decided that concrete floor is fine for their weight room. (thank goodness)...so now my room (soon to have a wall to enclose me) will be the only area with beautiful hardwood in the basement!
However this has made me realize that all the bolts and bolts of fabric I have really should be stored in plastic bins....so alas, I am off to Lowes/Home Depot to see sizes, etc. to get everything safely put away and hopefully in Clear bins so I can see my stuff!
With the cleanup done, I can now start on my customer quilts that need to be done by October 1st! Whew!
Oh yeah and in the midst of this craziness, I decided July 10th to join a Gym, been working out with a trainer and 5am workouts everyday (with the exception of only 1 day missed) ever since. down 2.9lbs and the energy level is getting higher (like I could even get more energy?).
Now it's prepping 3 of the 4 kids for back to school (shopping started and stalled out) and then a welcoming party for the "new kid"!
chowsers everyone.
PS Books I have read this summer and loved soooo much I bought them after returning the originals to the library:
Scrap Therapy-Cut the Scraps! by Joan Ford. you must get this!!!!
Fix, Freeze, Feast and the Big Cook (these are cookbooks on how to cook 30+ meals in one day and freeze for later consumption! With 6+ in the house, these are amazing for eating healthy meals everynight and not indulging in crappy take out!
PSS If you live in the Sherwood Park Area, please go try my favourite "mom and pop" restaurant: Filamente (best italian food ever) just off Wye Road by Sobeys & Tim Hortons, they treat everyone like you're family and their Gnocchi and mushroom ravioli are AMAZING!!!!
chow for now and hopefully, i will start up my weekly posts again!
back to the gym for me!
My Summer Nonsense Reads where/are: Torment & Thirst #4
These Glubers are amazing, Scrapbooker use them on pages and Quilters/Sewers can use them for Fabric flowers on dresses, hats, bags, etc. WHoot Whoot!
(This is Joey's Retirement Quilt that I made her, Longarm Quilted by the talented Mrs. Schaffler)
Anywhooo....i've taken my two weeks vacation (in JUly) from my "real paying" job and took the time to "purge & organization" my home. Yep, under the bathroom counters, closests, kitchen cabinets, everywhere! Wow do I have alot of stuff! Not the "oh my goodness she's a hoarder" but the "do i really need this if it's been in the basement for a year" kinda stuff. Speaking of the "basement", I spent two of my vacation days getting the spare room down there all prepped and ready for our new son! Yep, we are taking in a Billet (a young hockey player) to come live with us as is "pretend family" while he reaches for the stars and his dreams of becoming a famous hockey star! He'll be welcomed to a room with great hockey favourites all hung in frames on the walls, a brand new homemade pillow case and quilt just for him.
The basement houses my new design studio, so they pushed all my stuff to one end and created their (the DH and 2 boys) own little oasis on the other end. Weight bench, excersise bike, treadmill, TV etc. They are promising to build me a wall to sheild my delicate fabrics from the horrors of teenage puberty and "ewww sweat"! Then last friday a larger than life electrical storm hit our town, bang, pow pop and the rain came down sooo hard that it busted through the seams of the window to the basement....now before all you crafty gals get heart palpatations cause you know of the "stash", the water only seeped in at the end of the basement where the weight room was! whew! guessing some higher power felt the need to cleanse that area! hahahaha...the boys had to rip out the hardwood laminate on that end of the basement and they've decided that concrete floor is fine for their weight room. (thank goodness)...so now my room (soon to have a wall to enclose me) will be the only area with beautiful hardwood in the basement!
However this has made me realize that all the bolts and bolts of fabric I have really should be stored in plastic bins....so alas, I am off to Lowes/Home Depot to see sizes, etc. to get everything safely put away and hopefully in Clear bins so I can see my stuff!
With the cleanup done, I can now start on my customer quilts that need to be done by October 1st! Whew!
Oh yeah and in the midst of this craziness, I decided July 10th to join a Gym, been working out with a trainer and 5am workouts everyday (with the exception of only 1 day missed) ever since. down 2.9lbs and the energy level is getting higher (like I could even get more energy?).
Now it's prepping 3 of the 4 kids for back to school (shopping started and stalled out) and then a welcoming party for the "new kid"!
chowsers everyone.
PS Books I have read this summer and loved soooo much I bought them after returning the originals to the library:
Scrap Therapy-Cut the Scraps! by Joan Ford. you must get this!!!!
Fix, Freeze, Feast and the Big Cook (these are cookbooks on how to cook 30+ meals in one day and freeze for later consumption! With 6+ in the house, these are amazing for eating healthy meals everynight and not indulging in crappy take out!
PSS If you live in the Sherwood Park Area, please go try my favourite "mom and pop" restaurant: Filamente (best italian food ever) just off Wye Road by Sobeys & Tim Hortons, they treat everyone like you're family and their Gnocchi and mushroom ravioli are AMAZING!!!!
chow for now and hopefully, i will start up my weekly posts again!
back to the gym for me!
My Summer Nonsense Reads where/are: Torment & Thirst #4
These Glubers are amazing, Scrapbooker use them on pages and Quilters/Sewers can use them for Fabric flowers on dresses, hats, bags, etc. WHoot Whoot!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
wowser time flies
So, when time flies, you're having fun right? i've been cleaning, purging and stashing some of my great quilting items for my new studio. I will be spending the next two weeks prepping the studio for it's final wall/door combo and then viola! it will be done. I had a little "stash buster sale" and will be having another next week, to make room for my new stash must haves.
I've been completing alot of customer quilts, along with a special quilt for the billet that we'll be getting at the end of August. I thought it might make him feel more at home to have a nice comfy quilt on his bed when he arrives.
Summer has been full of thunderstorms, raging rain storms and Massive Mosquito parties. But we trudge on and when the sun does shine, we'll run out and enjoy what little we get!
Talk to you all real soon! Send photo's of what you've been up to? What's new in your world!
I've been completing alot of customer quilts, along with a special quilt for the billet that we'll be getting at the end of August. I thought it might make him feel more at home to have a nice comfy quilt on his bed when he arrives.
Summer has been full of thunderstorms, raging rain storms and Massive Mosquito parties. But we trudge on and when the sun does shine, we'll run out and enjoy what little we get!
Talk to you all real soon! Send photo's of what you've been up to? What's new in your world!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Swaps and More...
I've been doing a lot of swaps lately, they are fun, and i get to meet folks from all over the world, here's some pictures of some of the resent swaps!
the fabric is from a swap where we SWAPPED a pound or two or three with someone else, my swap partner lives in Denmark.
The basket/bag is from my swappartner for the quilted basket exchange, my creation went to New Zealand and the one shown here is from the Indian Ocean.
I also joined an eye spy square exchange....wowsers that brought in alot of 4" squares (400+) and only 3 repeats...great job gals/guys...this one shall be great to put together!
see you all later in the week!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Fire Victims help needed for Slave Lake
If you are not aware, a town in Alberta was destroyed by a horrible forest fire that is still going. The town is on full evacuation and 8000 residents are all displaced into many different locations. We are shocked to say the very least, I've sent up with the many trucks 4 afgans (knitted by my great friend Teddy Yates) and am in the midst of collecting quilts and afgans for the people to give them some comfort.
I am also collecting pet supplies for all the displaced and very scared pets.
If you can help email me at girlfriendsandgiggles@shaw.ca and we can arrange delivery of the items.
Thank you for your support. You can also donate at the Red Cross.
My heart goes out to those 8000 residents whom cannot go home...
I am also collecting pet supplies for all the displaced and very scared pets.
If you can help email me at girlfriendsandgiggles@shaw.ca and we can arrange delivery of the items.
Thank you for your support. You can also donate at the Red Cross.
My heart goes out to those 8000 residents whom cannot go home...
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Birthday week for the DIY DISH...have you visited them yet?
YOU HAVE TO VISIT ONE OF MY FAVOURITE ONLINE SHOWS...THE DIY DISH...these ladies are funny, charasmatic and down right entertaining, i love visiting their site, watching their videos and love that they seem to be speaking right to me...Go wish them a happy birthday and tell them I sent you! Enjoy!
PS Enter their draw for prizes.
PS Enter their draw for prizes.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
What makes you feel pretty?
Weird question huh, but i was thinking as i watched my little girl play with her dolls, what she thought was pretty....her dollies are identical, just different colours. The purple girl won over the girl with the blue dress.
It got me thinking what you do or wear to feel pretty, does this spill over onto your quilts and pages of your scrapbooks? It sure is an impact on mine. Which is why doing other peoples stuff can be a challenge for quilters and scrapbookers alike.
If you don't like blues, is it hard to put blue in your quilt, check your stash, which colours do you own the least (or better yet none) of? I visited Sew Divine Tuesday (a local quilt shop) and was talking to the owner, she was showing me these great new Batiks she had in, I told her I don't tend to go to the batiks...why? not sure...but that is my new challenge...use batiks and try a monochromatic quilt and scrapbook using "pattern".....The shop owner told me that this was the reason that her store didn't have alot of yellow and oranges, they aren't her favourite, but she was going to challenge herself to order some and "put herself to the test"...i am confident she'll do fine.
I want to challenge each of you, my loyal readers to a challenge....
1. Look at what you "usually" use in your quilts or scrapbooks.
2. Do the complete opposite and push yourself for your next project.
3. send me a photo of your project completed.
4. End of May I will pick a winner for the scrapbookers and 1 for the quilters.
Now, this won't hurt, it might even give you the giggles, so go ahead, try something new! I will use BATIKs by end of May!
I have the little version of this bad boy, gonna use it this month or else!
Weird question huh, but i was thinking as i watched my little girl play with her dolls, what she thought was pretty....her dollies are identical, just different colours. The purple girl won over the girl with the blue dress.
It got me thinking what you do or wear to feel pretty, does this spill over onto your quilts and pages of your scrapbooks? It sure is an impact on mine. Which is why doing other peoples stuff can be a challenge for quilters and scrapbookers alike.
If you don't like blues, is it hard to put blue in your quilt, check your stash, which colours do you own the least (or better yet none) of? I visited Sew Divine Tuesday (a local quilt shop) and was talking to the owner, she was showing me these great new Batiks she had in, I told her I don't tend to go to the batiks...why? not sure...but that is my new challenge...use batiks and try a monochromatic quilt and scrapbook using "pattern".....The shop owner told me that this was the reason that her store didn't have alot of yellow and oranges, they aren't her favourite, but she was going to challenge herself to order some and "put herself to the test"...i am confident she'll do fine.
I want to challenge each of you, my loyal readers to a challenge....
1. Look at what you "usually" use in your quilts or scrapbooks.
2. Do the complete opposite and push yourself for your next project.
3. send me a photo of your project completed.
4. End of May I will pick a winner for the scrapbookers and 1 for the quilters.
Now, this won't hurt, it might even give you the giggles, so go ahead, try something new! I will use BATIKs by end of May!
I have the little version of this bad boy, gonna use it this month or else!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Decluttering advise
So a fellow blogger put up a Superb blog all about my favourite thing and biggest challenge I face....DECLUTTERING....o.k. so the hoarder in me is sobbing uncontrollabley as I write this, but gosh golly, The little Green Bean Blog has it going on....
Check her out at http://maluukkonen.blogspot.com/2011/03/de-cluttering-craft-room.html
She's rockin' it!
HAve a great week/weekend...I'm off to a guild retreat!!!!!
Check her out at http://maluukkonen.blogspot.com/2011/03/de-cluttering-craft-room.html
She's rockin' it!
HAve a great week/weekend...I'm off to a guild retreat!!!!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
The ever so fabulous JUNE said:
Ya for National Quilting Day. I am planning on organizing my quilting space, or should I say tidy up, and if time remains, load a quilt on the longarm. Lots of ideas so little time. Quilt on LOL
Thanks for the comments everyone, June please send me your email and address and we'll get your prize to you soon.
In honour of your "organizing" I've put a new post up with a link to a friend blogger who is decluttering/organizing...thanks everyone...until next time!!
The ever so fabulous JUNE said:
Ya for National Quilting Day. I am planning on organizing my quilting space, or should I say tidy up, and if time remains, load a quilt on the longarm. Lots of ideas so little time. Quilt on LOL
Thanks for the comments everyone, June please send me your email and address and we'll get your prize to you soon.
In honour of your "organizing" I've put a new post up with a link to a friend blogger who is decluttering/organizing...thanks everyone...until next time!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Jaybird Quilts is giving away FREE FABRIC!!!
Want to win fabric before it is in stores??
Well you are in luck today!!!
Hop on over to Julie's blog and see her current giveaway with Robert Kaufman (you know, beside Moda, RK is my fav) This new fabric is bright, vibrant and ohhh so yummy...Go check out Julie and tell her I said "hi ya'all" and enter and we could share the fabric!!!
cheers everyone
Well you are in luck today!!!
Hop on over to Julie's blog and see her current giveaway with Robert Kaufman (you know, beside Moda, RK is my fav) This new fabric is bright, vibrant and ohhh so yummy...Go check out Julie and tell her I said "hi ya'all" and enter and we could share the fabric!!!
cheers everyone
Monday, March 14, 2011
Retreats and overnight trips
Boy do i love Retreats....and on occasion I get to go to one as a guest instead of the organizer....at the end of March I get to join my Guild sisters in REtreat, I can't wait....I have already started planning and packing...now I get to find out what the other side of the fence is like!
What tips do you have for me as a guest?
What tips do you have for me as a guest?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I have a quilt in a contest..Voting is only until Sunday....would you please vote for me?
Click the link, then put a comment on the bottom that you are voting for Rhonda Duncan.
Let all your friends know to go Vote!!
Click the link, then put a comment on the bottom that you are voting for Rhonda Duncan.
Let all your friends know to go Vote!!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
purging is for the birds
seriously, this purging thing is for the birds....all work and no play makes me cranky (or crankier for those who know me)
soon i will have my studio so i can create and play!
soon i will have my studio so i can create and play!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
had to add a 2nd album to get more fabric for sale posted
is the second album on my FB to view more fabric for sale...so far I have a total of 245 pieces of quilting fabric for sale! and that's just a drop in the bucket of my stash! OH Goodness what have I begun!
is the second album on my FB to view more fabric for sale...so far I have a total of 245 pieces of quilting fabric for sale! and that's just a drop in the bucket of my stash! OH Goodness what have I begun!
Purging of the Quilters side of the studio has begun
OK so last night I started purging my quilters fabrics side of the studio, put the pics on facebook and am selling at rediculous prices.
Today I will finish with the Fabric and then go to the scrapbooking side. Watch my facebook photo album for all the deals!
OH goodness this is hard work!
Today I will finish with the Fabric and then go to the scrapbooking side. Watch my facebook photo album for all the deals!
OH goodness this is hard work!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
And so goes the moving of the studio.....and now a garage sale for Fabric!
ok, so this is crazy, i get a bigger room for my studio and without even buying my new cabinets yet, my new space is soo full i can't move...so i spent 2 hours today, photographing fabric and measuring to sell! Some very lucky quilters are going to get a steal of a deal!
hmmm how do you organize a "multi" purpose studio?
PS I am looking for this pattern? Does anybody know where I can get it?
hmmm how do you organize a "multi" purpose studio?
PS I am looking for this pattern? Does anybody know where I can get it?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Moving Moving Moving, keep those fabrics Moving, RAWHIDE
OK EVERYONE, we've begun the great move. Teenagers in my house run in fear every night when i arrive home from my REAL JOB. They know each night we move another piece of furniture or stash of fabric from the 2nd floor of the house to the new Studio in the basement. Gosh I feel like a kid at Christmas.
I've come to realize that my Fabric Hoarding is a wee (way big overstatement) bit out of control. So I will have a garage sale soon!
New tables are now set up for my sewing station, and others are set up for my Scrapbooking area. Storage units have been put up, but alas, I will need more of those.
Ikea will be happy to see me this weekend, I need at least 4 Billy Bookcases for all the cottons and maybe 2 for the flannels. I was lucky to buy paper racks from a friend so my scrapbooking papers will be safe and visible and not hidden for life anymore.
I bought some artwork for the walls for inspiration, received some great mini quilts from friends for the walls and bought a new Iron. This is soo much fun, but I am really missing my 1/2 hour each night of "playtime".
And for those asking? YES I took a BEFORE picture and will take AFTER pictures for everyone to peek at!
Until next time....
Rhonda, running with Scissors and lovin' it!
This is what was in the space before...my son's Pirates of the Carribean BED and his dresser!
I've come to realize that my Fabric Hoarding is a wee (way big overstatement) bit out of control. So I will have a garage sale soon!
New tables are now set up for my sewing station, and others are set up for my Scrapbooking area. Storage units have been put up, but alas, I will need more of those.
Ikea will be happy to see me this weekend, I need at least 4 Billy Bookcases for all the cottons and maybe 2 for the flannels. I was lucky to buy paper racks from a friend so my scrapbooking papers will be safe and visible and not hidden for life anymore.
I bought some artwork for the walls for inspiration, received some great mini quilts from friends for the walls and bought a new Iron. This is soo much fun, but I am really missing my 1/2 hour each night of "playtime".
And for those asking? YES I took a BEFORE picture and will take AFTER pictures for everyone to peek at!
Until next time....
Rhonda, running with Scissors and lovin' it!
This is what was in the space before...my son's Pirates of the Carribean BED and his dresser!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
New Studio Toys!!!!
OK Folks, for those of you who "watch" me on Facebook, you know I am designing a new studio JUST FOR ME!!!!
OK, so I am not very excited about it (insert hysterical giggling here)...But this is an amazing adventure. This weekend the oldest son vacates the space which will soon be converted into my Studio...I suppose I should think of a great Studio name now?!
Upon him vacating, I will get to design, build and construct my ultimate crafting studio for my favourite passions of scrapbooking, quilting and a wee little bit of "everything else". I need advise, I need ideas, I need some "oh gosh don't do that's" and I need you ALL.
I will post my progress (thanks Trish for the great idea) and let you take the journey with me. Ki told me "go big or go home" so that will be my new motto...Perhaps I should print that out of my Cricut on vinyl and put it up on my wall!
Here is the first item that I purposefully bought just for my new studio!
Well, what do you think of my first Purchase...oh yeah, by the way, I will be keeping a tally of costs, so that you my friends, will be able to see what you could/couldn't and definately would/wouldn't spend your hard earned money on.
OK, so I am not very excited about it (insert hysterical giggling here)...But this is an amazing adventure. This weekend the oldest son vacates the space which will soon be converted into my Studio...I suppose I should think of a great Studio name now?!
Upon him vacating, I will get to design, build and construct my ultimate crafting studio for my favourite passions of scrapbooking, quilting and a wee little bit of "everything else". I need advise, I need ideas, I need some "oh gosh don't do that's" and I need you ALL.
I will post my progress (thanks Trish for the great idea) and let you take the journey with me. Ki told me "go big or go home" so that will be my new motto...Perhaps I should print that out of my Cricut on vinyl and put it up on my wall!
Here is the first item that I purposefully bought just for my new studio!
Well, what do you think of my first Purchase...oh yeah, by the way, I will be keeping a tally of costs, so that you my friends, will be able to see what you could/couldn't and definately would/wouldn't spend your hard earned money on.
Monday, February 7, 2011
BUSY is a four letter word!
OK, so busy I am, but I am soo Busy I can't even think straight anymore...not to mention when do i get to sleep!
New Studio being built...can you give me suggestions on what you would love for a new studio?
Customer quilts are coming along, but man oh man, am I swamped!
Making Valentines with a 6 year old for school!!!!
Life and Housework and oh yeah, that government job I have that pays for all these gems!....
In Eyeore's famous words..."OH BOTHER"
New Studio being built...can you give me suggestions on what you would love for a new studio?
Customer quilts are coming along, but man oh man, am I swamped!
Making Valentines with a 6 year old for school!!!!
Life and Housework and oh yeah, that government job I have that pays for all these gems!....
In Eyeore's famous words..."OH BOTHER"
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Cake completed...but the cuteness has ...
...spent the entire day in my room, sick....poor little thing...she won't see the finished product until Sunday at her party!
So our Castle Idea...didn't pan out...but....never fear...we quickly changed to a another favourite of hers.

Big Brother TJ helped mom with rolling out the fondant...(needed muscles for that)

4 layers (2 pound cake and 2 krispy treats) were layered and dirty iced...then we covered in with PINK fondant.

Next we made 4 dolly cakes and covered them with chocolate moulding and fondant.

Our new puppy definately approved...and he really wished I was sloppier and dropped more...

Last but not least we sprinkled the whole cake with baking dust in a great silver to reseamable the sprinkle dust of fairies.

(to make the tye dye look skirts on the bottom dolls...use white fondant, roll out, then spray with blue(or whatever colour you want) cake decorator spray colouring and remold and reroll...the more you reroll/remold the more solid the colour, so go easy and you'll get great tye dye effects.Icing around your edges or use licorice (we had some licorice with us...but it never made it on the cake...opps)
She'll see it tomorrow...cheers
So our Castle Idea...didn't pan out...but....never fear...we quickly changed to a another favourite of hers.
Big Brother TJ helped mom with rolling out the fondant...(needed muscles for that)
4 layers (2 pound cake and 2 krispy treats) were layered and dirty iced...then we covered in with PINK fondant.
Next we made 4 dolly cakes and covered them with chocolate moulding and fondant.
Our new puppy definately approved...and he really wished I was sloppier and dropped more...
Last but not least we sprinkled the whole cake with baking dust in a great silver to reseamable the sprinkle dust of fairies.
(to make the tye dye look skirts on the bottom dolls...use white fondant, roll out, then spray with blue(or whatever colour you want) cake decorator spray colouring and remold and reroll...the more you reroll/remold the more solid the colour, so go easy and you'll get great tye dye effects.Icing around your edges or use licorice (we had some licorice with us...but it never made it on the cake...opps)
She'll see it tomorrow...cheers
Friday, January 28, 2011
Testing my Baking Knowledge...
So it's the little Cutenesses Birthday party Sunday..
And I am making her the cake she asked for... A PINK Princess Castle ....so off to Bulk Barn I went, bought 4 cake pans in varying sizes. Purchased Fondant, icing power for the buttercream icing, other icing, sugar flowers, decorations, fairy sprinkle dust and other decoration items.

(Some of us were not as patient as others, and may have "hit the sack early")
So I started baking, and setting up and Dirty Icing the cakes....Saturday will begin the Fondant and finer details...keep watching.
so I will try to post more tomorrow...keep your fingers crossed...and stop staring at the beaters...YES I LICKED THEM CLEAN...oh bother!!!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
New quilt/scrap booking room on order?!
OK, so the teeny tiny spare bedroom I use for a studio is being highjacked!
I have now been so graciously (insert a big ol pie of sarcasm here) offered the basement! You know, the dingy, drab, dark, dust infested basement! So here is where I need you help, send me ideas on what you would do with a very low ceiling, 18x12' room? Should I punish him, making him build me the best table/storage unit known to quietly friends? Should I just haul all my crap down there and hope for the best? Or should I host a fabric garage sale, keep only my absolute FACS and start from scratch?
Help me!!!!!!
The sega continues! Tomoorow when the pirate ship bed is moved I will take photos for all you wannabe decorators.
I have now been so graciously (insert a big ol pie of sarcasm here) offered the basement! You know, the dingy, drab, dark, dust infested basement! So here is where I need you help, send me ideas on what you would do with a very low ceiling, 18x12' room? Should I punish him, making him build me the best table/storage unit known to quietly friends? Should I just haul all my crap down there and hope for the best? Or should I host a fabric garage sale, keep only my absolute FACS and start from scratch?
Help me!!!!!!
The sega continues! Tomoorow when the pirate ship bed is moved I will take photos for all you wannabe decorators.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
January Eh!

Well, as many of you may know, the city I reside in has been battered and shaken by horrible winter storms. The snow fall has been extreme to say the very least. I am a mere 5'3" tall and the snow piles are now well over my head and my ability to shovel and toss. My guess is that we'll be shovelling until well into June to clear all this fluffy white goodness.
This is no excuse for my lapse in blog posts, but gosh darn it, it's hard to get in the mood to write when your teeth are chattering and your fingers are so frozen even the hot cocoa can't warm them up.
We've (meaning me and Gail and Lacey) have been quite busy on the Retreat front. Our first retreat of the year was January 7-9th. It was "oversold" so it was comfy and cozy and everyone was so productive and energetic. Then the snow dumped on us and viola, we were snowed in at retreat. Now some of you would be cheering and giggling uncontrolably right now if you had been there. However, the neighbouring farmer and his larger than life tractor came over and with the movements of a ballerina, swept all that snow away so to encourage our cars, trucks and minimom vans to brave the roads to return to our families. URGHHHH...
It always amazes me how great the country we live in is, how great our neighbours are and how super special the gals that come out and visit us at retreat are. I am truely gratefull for such a great bunch of women. Year after year they come out and join us 12 times a year for great quilting, great scrapbooking, great knitting, whatever their obsession is....they come. So in the words of a very cute actor....Build it and they will come!
Now on to this January EH! title....what do you do to keep the January BLAHS away? Do you only crafts with bright and bold colours? Do you plan summer meals? What is it that you do?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Can you believe it...delinquent with my blog...but I have a million excuses! hahaha
Actually it seems that Nov/Dec are always chaotic for our family, but my resolution is to write at least every other day to you folks, my bloggy friends.
I have a retreat this weekend, I'll be scrapbooking Friday to Sunday with 17 gals.
Next week I fly to Peace River, AB for work, so I've convinced the airline that I NEED to take my Sewing Machine with me to avoid today Northern Boredom in my hotel room! So I will get 4 nights of uninterrupted quilty time of my own. phew! Can't wait.
Be safe, Stay Warm and remember, craft unsupervised and let your inner crafty gnome out!
Monday, October 18, 2010
A fellow blogger is hosting another giveway...
Jaybird Quilts (AKA the fabulous Julie Herman) has another sponsored giveaway fearing a great online fabric store and the ever beautiful long arm quilting services of Jackie & Canton Village Quilt Works. If you haven't already joined up on Jaybird Quilts you NEED TOOOOO....she has the bestest of all things fabric, quilting and she also knows alot of folks so you get to meet folks from all around the world! She's a super lady and I would give her my stash if it was the end of the quilting world! Now that's saying alot eh!
Jump on over to Jaybird quilts and then she will help you to meet up with Jackie and Canton Village Quilt Works...you don't want to miss out!
Jump on over to Jaybird quilts and then she will help you to meet up with Jackie and Canton Village Quilt Works...you don't want to miss out!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Hello...Anybody out there?
I am soooo sorry to all my faithful readers. I have been on a self proclaimed hiatus! You heard it, finally put down everything and took some time for me. You all need to try this. It is amazing! However, I have missed you all dearly.
So, what have I been up to? Well, for starters I have been revamping my retreat business. Adding new dates, meeting new people, creating great memories for those ladies that join me on the excursions and those that join us through the face book site and website www.gigglesandgirlfriends.com .
My oldest child has moved out of our house with her boyfriend of 2 years. They are starting a new life together in a new home. Making her table runners and quilts for the beds has kept me quite busy. As well, cleaning out her old room and making space for "hopefully" a new and roomy studio!!!! Yes you heard it hear, my dear hubby has advised that I will get 1/2 the basement area to create a beautifully stunning new studio.
Would you do it? Would you move "all" your stuff just to get a few extra inches of space? I am not sure if I want to? Not sure how to? Would it be good for me?
A fresh start would be great for purging, and for organizing and sorting, and oh doesn't that sound like a lot of work?! I am certain that my friends would come out in tenfold to help me.
What would you do with more space? more supplies or more UFO's finished (Unfinished Objects)?
I will see you soon....chow Bella's
Remember Run with scissors and you'll be surprised what can be created!
So, what have I been up to? Well, for starters I have been revamping my retreat business. Adding new dates, meeting new people, creating great memories for those ladies that join me on the excursions and those that join us through the face book site and website www.gigglesandgirlfriends.com .
My oldest child has moved out of our house with her boyfriend of 2 years. They are starting a new life together in a new home. Making her table runners and quilts for the beds has kept me quite busy. As well, cleaning out her old room and making space for "hopefully" a new and roomy studio!!!! Yes you heard it hear, my dear hubby has advised that I will get 1/2 the basement area to create a beautifully stunning new studio.
Would you do it? Would you move "all" your stuff just to get a few extra inches of space? I am not sure if I want to? Not sure how to? Would it be good for me?
A fresh start would be great for purging, and for organizing and sorting, and oh doesn't that sound like a lot of work?! I am certain that my friends would come out in tenfold to help me.
What would you do with more space? more supplies or more UFO's finished (Unfinished Objects)?
I will see you soon....chow Bella's
Remember Run with scissors and you'll be surprised what can be created!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Post Retreat Stress Disorder...do you suffer?
PRSD Post Retreat Stress Disorder
Do you know or suffer from post retreat stress disorder? Not sure, if you can answer yes to any of the following, you need to keep reading.
· Do you get home on a Sunday night after retreat and feel the buzz of creativity still running through your veins?
· Do you hyperventilate at the thought of returning back home to hubby and kids?
· Do you know that getting home means a stop to the creative splurges at any moment, only to have to wait ‘til the kids are napping or the dishes are done, or 'til 5pm hits and you can go home from work?
· Do you get home from retreat and want to turn around and drive right back?
It’s the crashing feeling of coming home from retreat that ultimately breaks some creativity inspired moments of scrapbooking and quilting. While some may be able to deal with the stresses of returning back their normal lives with ease, they can be turned bitter by the monotonous and often rigorous life that follows the days in between retreats.
Post Retreat Stress Disorder can affect individuals on varying degrees but overall the feeling is the same. The responsibility of real life comes crashing down like a cartoon inspired bomb after experiencing the good times. Quite often in order to go to retreat, crafters must take mundane jobs in unattractive fields that can afford to see their “employees” go away for weekends at a time. These may include but are not limited to working in a kitchen, laundry room, child’s homework, hard labor, mother duties, wife duties, or (and dare I say it) real jobs in real life positions.
Funny, I know, but the reality is that a lot of you suffer from this little setback. You get on the road after a great weekend of creativity with your girlfriends, sisters, moms, etc and all you can think of is the next page or block, the next card or album, the next quilt configuration, the next creative step. Your car ride home (or in most cases a large vehicle filled to the brim) is spent talking up great ideas with your co-riders. So then what do you do when you get home?
You need to find a support system (husband, friend, sister) that will infuse, encourage and accommodate your retreating lifestyle which is so essential to your personal well-being and rejuvenation regime.
Securing your money situation before heading out will allow you to enjoy retreat and go without the stress of worrying where your next retreat will come from. In the months leading up to retreat, try putting at least some money away each week into a special piggy bank or secret stash area.
Another common cause of PRSD is unreasonable expectations. Do you want to relax and rejuvenate with friends, do you want to finish an entire album or quilt, do you want to get the kids Halloween favors made, do you want to make a card for a dear friend, these are the expectations you need to set out for yourself before you arrive. Know what you want and set the target to be achieved. By knowing what you want to complete and setting yourself up to achieve that will make the weekend and your return home much more pleasant.
It’s very easy to register for a retreat, but even harder to go home. While it’s very true that every retreat must come to an end, it doesn’t mean that you have to stop your experience. Take some of the tips and tricks and great friendships that you’ve made at retreat and capitalize on them. Have some gals over on a Saturday afternoon, or a Tuesday night for a “tips and tricks” night, or a swap or fabric challenge.
No matter what, enjoy your retreat, enjoy the new friendships and better yet, book for your next retreat early so you can enjoy more, more, and more!
Do you know or suffer from post retreat stress disorder? Not sure, if you can answer yes to any of the following, you need to keep reading.
· Do you get home on a Sunday night after retreat and feel the buzz of creativity still running through your veins?
· Do you hyperventilate at the thought of returning back home to hubby and kids?
· Do you know that getting home means a stop to the creative splurges at any moment, only to have to wait ‘til the kids are napping or the dishes are done, or 'til 5pm hits and you can go home from work?
· Do you get home from retreat and want to turn around and drive right back?
It’s the crashing feeling of coming home from retreat that ultimately breaks some creativity inspired moments of scrapbooking and quilting. While some may be able to deal with the stresses of returning back their normal lives with ease, they can be turned bitter by the monotonous and often rigorous life that follows the days in between retreats.
Post Retreat Stress Disorder can affect individuals on varying degrees but overall the feeling is the same. The responsibility of real life comes crashing down like a cartoon inspired bomb after experiencing the good times. Quite often in order to go to retreat, crafters must take mundane jobs in unattractive fields that can afford to see their “employees” go away for weekends at a time. These may include but are not limited to working in a kitchen, laundry room, child’s homework, hard labor, mother duties, wife duties, or (and dare I say it) real jobs in real life positions.
Funny, I know, but the reality is that a lot of you suffer from this little setback. You get on the road after a great weekend of creativity with your girlfriends, sisters, moms, etc and all you can think of is the next page or block, the next card or album, the next quilt configuration, the next creative step. Your car ride home (or in most cases a large vehicle filled to the brim) is spent talking up great ideas with your co-riders. So then what do you do when you get home?
You need to find a support system (husband, friend, sister) that will infuse, encourage and accommodate your retreating lifestyle which is so essential to your personal well-being and rejuvenation regime.
Securing your money situation before heading out will allow you to enjoy retreat and go without the stress of worrying where your next retreat will come from. In the months leading up to retreat, try putting at least some money away each week into a special piggy bank or secret stash area.
Another common cause of PRSD is unreasonable expectations. Do you want to relax and rejuvenate with friends, do you want to finish an entire album or quilt, do you want to get the kids Halloween favors made, do you want to make a card for a dear friend, these are the expectations you need to set out for yourself before you arrive. Know what you want and set the target to be achieved. By knowing what you want to complete and setting yourself up to achieve that will make the weekend and your return home much more pleasant.
It’s very easy to register for a retreat, but even harder to go home. While it’s very true that every retreat must come to an end, it doesn’t mean that you have to stop your experience. Take some of the tips and tricks and great friendships that you’ve made at retreat and capitalize on them. Have some gals over on a Saturday afternoon, or a Tuesday night for a “tips and tricks” night, or a swap or fabric challenge.
No matter what, enjoy your retreat, enjoy the new friendships and better yet, book for your next retreat early so you can enjoy more, more, and more!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Quilt -a-Long and Scrap-a-longs ??
For my quiltly friends, I am sure you've all heard of Quilt a longs, they are amazing little tidbits and quilting instructions that you share with people from all over the world. One fabulous designer dreams up a great design, shares the skills and know-how with the world and viola, along a 8-12 week progress through a blog or email subscription everyone makes a new and different quilt. I love these "mini" challenges. They peak my interest because of the ability for each and every person involved to learn something from someone along the road. Seeing all the different patterns, fabric lines and "tweeks" that almost always happen make the quilt-a-longs a great surprise in the end. Most quilt-a-longs have a flickr site as well, this helps everyone to be able to see what their new quilty friends around the world are doing, what colours and textures others are using and to get bragging rights and the almight "oh yes" confirmation from their cyberspace peers. I have met alot of fabulous quilty friends through these adventures and have a host of quilts that i may not have ever tried otherwise. Thanks to all those great designers....without you we'd be.....well no where! This summer I joined the Summer Star Sampler with QuiltyGirl Bradie Sparrow and this fall I have joined two more...see the side panel for the ones I am doing this fall.
Now for my Scrapbooking friends. Wouldn't this be great for a album...if someone put up instructions for a page layout weekly or biweekly so that in a matter of a few weeks you'd have a album done. I am thinking of hosting one for a 8x8 album or smaller....let's get this great adventure started!
Now for my Scrapbooking friends. Wouldn't this be great for a album...if someone put up instructions for a page layout weekly or biweekly so that in a matter of a few weeks you'd have a album done. I am thinking of hosting one for a 8x8 album or smaller....let's get this great adventure started!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
what do you tell people who ask you if you sleep?
I was asked, and get asked, on a regular basis "Do you ever sleep?"...My usual reaction has been "i'll sleep when i am dead"...THEN someone said, really truely how many hours do you get a day, you're always sooo busy?
Well i tracked it...Saturday Night I got 6.5hrs, Sunday was 5.5hrs, Monday was 7 hours, Tuesday was 8 hours....so I guess i do sleep, but I just get so excited about the things I am working on that my adrenaline kicks in and viola, next thing I know it's late, I'm in my studio and everybody in my house has gone to bed...and I have to work in the morning.
I work full time, then run the retreat business on the side, so (part-time hours), and i quilt for others, do scrapbooking for others, and do all the same for my family and me (4 kids and sweet husband) and you know what....I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my busy life, I love my job(s), I love my volunteer duties, I love going to Guild meetings, I love going to crops with friends, I love doing things with my kids, I love bowling league night with my hubby, sister and brother inlaws, and all the many little things i do....
I will not regret NOT doing anything, my house is LIVED in, my meals aren't always gourmet but I refuse to feel a smiggin' of guilt. If I wasn't busy I don't know what i would do...how about YOU.?
Well i tracked it...Saturday Night I got 6.5hrs, Sunday was 5.5hrs, Monday was 7 hours, Tuesday was 8 hours....so I guess i do sleep, but I just get so excited about the things I am working on that my adrenaline kicks in and viola, next thing I know it's late, I'm in my studio and everybody in my house has gone to bed...and I have to work in the morning.
I work full time, then run the retreat business on the side, so (part-time hours), and i quilt for others, do scrapbooking for others, and do all the same for my family and me (4 kids and sweet husband) and you know what....I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my busy life, I love my job(s), I love my volunteer duties, I love going to Guild meetings, I love going to crops with friends, I love doing things with my kids, I love bowling league night with my hubby, sister and brother inlaws, and all the many little things i do....
I will not regret NOT doing anything, my house is LIVED in, my meals aren't always gourmet but I refuse to feel a smiggin' of guilt. If I wasn't busy I don't know what i would do...how about YOU.?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
scrappin back to school
Back to school tomorrow for 3 of the 4 kids...number 4 just told us she's moving out with her beau October 1st....I have to go to the dentist tomorrow...anyone who knows me, knows how I despised the Dentist....what a trouper eh!
Biggest news tomorrow is that my oldest boy turns 15...yep, does'nt seem that old to me, but!
Cake for dinner tomorrow....homework will begin and lunches need to be made!
Enjoy your week...send me tips for back to school scrapbooking.
Biggest news tomorrow is that my oldest boy turns 15...yep, does'nt seem that old to me, but!
Cake for dinner tomorrow....homework will begin and lunches need to be made!
Enjoy your week...send me tips for back to school scrapbooking.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
oh my!
Oh my goodness, has the summer just flashed by my eyes. I work full time and do the retreat business parttime so I am usually quite busy, but really this summer has slipped away from me completely.
I've been busy for sure, I participated in the Applique Posy Needle Case Swap, my partner lives in Austrailia so I was sewing and shipping treats to her. I participated in the Siggy Swap with 147 other ladies from all over the world. I have been tagging along with Quiltygirls Summer Star Samplere, which is nearing it's completion.
I attended Scrap-A-Lots August All Day Crop and got some really fantastic scrapbooking done, bought and ideas coming from every which way!
I wanted to share an idea with you, when you make a really great page and want to show it off. Go to MIcheals, Homesense or Winners and purchase a "cork board" I bought a 16" square one with a fabulous white frame on it (really doesn't even look like a message board) and then pin (it usually comes with four cute little pins) your fav page to it. I did a page of my mom on her 60th birthday party last May and was able to use 3D Flowers and putting it up on the "board" was easy peasy then we hung it in a prominate spot in the Living Room for everyone to enjoy. Then when we want to change it easy!
My upcoming retreat season is starting soon...Sept 30-Oct 3rd we host a 4 day (sold out) retreat, then back at it on October 22-24, November 11-14, December 3-5, January etc. Time to get the doorprizes in order...
Fun Fun Fun....
Hope ya'all are enjoying your summer splashing! Remember, Craft unsupervised, you'll never know what can happen.
I'll try to post my board layout later today....
I've been busy for sure, I participated in the Applique Posy Needle Case Swap, my partner lives in Austrailia so I was sewing and shipping treats to her. I participated in the Siggy Swap with 147 other ladies from all over the world. I have been tagging along with Quiltygirls Summer Star Samplere, which is nearing it's completion.
I attended Scrap-A-Lots August All Day Crop and got some really fantastic scrapbooking done, bought and ideas coming from every which way!
I wanted to share an idea with you, when you make a really great page and want to show it off. Go to MIcheals, Homesense or Winners and purchase a "cork board" I bought a 16" square one with a fabulous white frame on it (really doesn't even look like a message board) and then pin (it usually comes with four cute little pins) your fav page to it. I did a page of my mom on her 60th birthday party last May and was able to use 3D Flowers and putting it up on the "board" was easy peasy then we hung it in a prominate spot in the Living Room for everyone to enjoy. Then when we want to change it easy!
My upcoming retreat season is starting soon...Sept 30-Oct 3rd we host a 4 day (sold out) retreat, then back at it on October 22-24, November 11-14, December 3-5, January etc. Time to get the doorprizes in order...
Fun Fun Fun....
Hope ya'all are enjoying your summer splashing! Remember, Craft unsupervised, you'll never know what can happen.
I'll try to post my board layout later today....
Friday, August 6, 2010
Templates, Patterns and Ideas oh MY!
Do you download templates, patterns and ideas? I have been so productive in watching tutorials, downloading templates and page patterns lately that I think I need to start saving in a file on my laptop rather than printing (a small tree will now be planted in honour of all my new shared ideas)...sorry forrest.
Anywho...better homes and gardens has a great selection...check out their website!
Anywho...better homes and gardens has a great selection...check out their website!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day 21 of 21....missed yesterday for the holiday
21 days of blogging, and i only missed twice...yeah me!
Nothing new, except that I found a great new fabric line patchwork pottery....she designs the bestest stuff and she has a great book out....
off to my creative space...see you all in a couple days....
ps does anyone have a paper piecing pattern for a monkey?
Nothing new, except that I found a great new fabric line patchwork pottery....she designs the bestest stuff and she has a great book out....
off to my creative space...see you all in a couple days....
ps does anyone have a paper piecing pattern for a monkey?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Day 20 of 21
Oh my goodness...i am sooo excited.....I have pieced together 5 table runners/tableclothes so far today.....they are all going to be given away, and i really thought it would take me weeks, but the inspiration was hitting me full force and with reckless abandon.
One has birthday cakes in the endzones of a 30" long table runner, 3 are the ever so popular black and white with a splash of some type of fabulous colour....
hmmmm, now i have to create a fall version and a christmas one.....hmmmmmmm I am so excited at getting so much done in such a short time, my little hearts just a beating, can I bottle this creative moment for those days when i have a brain fart?
Stopped for a quick peak at my Nascar...right when a huge crash occured...maybe i should get back to my quilting room!
see you all tomorrow..
PS My dryer never showed up, they didn't call, and apparently Maytag doesn't give a rats patootie....frustration is looming!
One has birthday cakes in the endzones of a 30" long table runner, 3 are the ever so popular black and white with a splash of some type of fabulous colour....
hmmmm, now i have to create a fall version and a christmas one.....hmmmmmmm I am so excited at getting so much done in such a short time, my little hearts just a beating, can I bottle this creative moment for those days when i have a brain fart?
Stopped for a quick peak at my Nascar...right when a huge crash occured...maybe i should get back to my quilting room!
see you all tomorrow..
PS My dryer never showed up, they didn't call, and apparently Maytag doesn't give a rats patootie....frustration is looming!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Day 19 of 21
I want to share with you a blog I follow...why, because she was braver than me and figured out how to cut fabric in a Cricut...you betcha...this is gonna make my scrapbooks pop and my applique on my quilts even better!!!
ya'all go check this out...
Missy at the Little Green bean is amazing....enjoy!
ya'all go check this out...
Missy at the Little Green bean is amazing....enjoy!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Day 18 of 21
Dag nab it....
It's a beautiful friday in my part of the world today. The sun is spreading her warmth and glow, the wind is just ever so slightly whisping at my hair...(ERRRKKKKKK put on the brakes sista...you're working today)...urgh.
OK so from my "tinted office window" that I have to look through a hallway and someone else's office to see out of it looks like a perfect day. I however will drive home in a blazing hotter than the stones in a pig luau pit vehicle to get home tonight, in traffic full of people like me wishing we'd been smart enough to book the friday before the long weekend off. All of us driving along, snearing and jeering at those who are already in trucks/trailers heading to the lake. Fill up your bug spray suckers, those little blood suckers are gonna be having a buffet this weekend.
hmmmmm perhaps I will do something fabulous tonight:
lounge in my kiddie pool? Nope
watch all my favourite shows in no particular order while sipping a sangria? Nope
Playing in MY CRAFT ROOM with AC blaring and tunes jammin? Nope
I will be cleaning out the laundry room from 2 weeks worth of laundry, so that the delivery men who show up tomorrow with my dryer can get it into place and working so I can "finish up" that growing mound of laundry that has become my new arch enemy!
I hope you all enjoy your long weekends for those of you here in Canada, and for my US friends, I understand it's a holiday monday for you too...enjoy, go to a sale, hit a garage sale, help a friend with a laundry room makeover??? whatever...just do it in style and with a drinkiepoo in your hand!
It's a beautiful friday in my part of the world today. The sun is spreading her warmth and glow, the wind is just ever so slightly whisping at my hair...(ERRRKKKKKK put on the brakes sista...you're working today)...urgh.
OK so from my "tinted office window" that I have to look through a hallway and someone else's office to see out of it looks like a perfect day. I however will drive home in a blazing hotter than the stones in a pig luau pit vehicle to get home tonight, in traffic full of people like me wishing we'd been smart enough to book the friday before the long weekend off. All of us driving along, snearing and jeering at those who are already in trucks/trailers heading to the lake. Fill up your bug spray suckers, those little blood suckers are gonna be having a buffet this weekend.
hmmmmm perhaps I will do something fabulous tonight:
lounge in my kiddie pool? Nope
watch all my favourite shows in no particular order while sipping a sangria? Nope
Playing in MY CRAFT ROOM with AC blaring and tunes jammin? Nope
I will be cleaning out the laundry room from 2 weeks worth of laundry, so that the delivery men who show up tomorrow with my dryer can get it into place and working so I can "finish up" that growing mound of laundry that has become my new arch enemy!
I hope you all enjoy your long weekends for those of you here in Canada, and for my US friends, I understand it's a holiday monday for you too...enjoy, go to a sale, hit a garage sale, help a friend with a laundry room makeover??? whatever...just do it in style and with a drinkiepoo in your hand!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Day 17 of 21
only a few days left for my 21 day challenge...whew...I have so much respect now for those great ladies and gents who post daily, some twice daily to entertain me and my peeps.
Today I realized that sometimes, life is fair....fair in a good way, you work hard, you show your accolades, you show your strength your determination and after all the work you put into something, viola...you get the pure joy and pleasure of knowing that you are appreciated.
Today was my day to have this A-ha moment....and on a Thursday too! Friday will be amazing...Saturday my new clothes dryer will be delivered....you don't realize how long 2 months with a brokern dryer feels like in a house of 6!!! With 3 teens.....urgh!
but no worries, cause today is my day! Hope yours was just as splendid.
Today I realized that sometimes, life is fair....fair in a good way, you work hard, you show your accolades, you show your strength your determination and after all the work you put into something, viola...you get the pure joy and pleasure of knowing that you are appreciated.
Today was my day to have this A-ha moment....and on a Thursday too! Friday will be amazing...Saturday my new clothes dryer will be delivered....you don't realize how long 2 months with a brokern dryer feels like in a house of 6!!! With 3 teens.....urgh!
but no worries, cause today is my day! Hope yours was just as splendid.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Day 16 of 21
I bumped into a new blog "the little green bean" and she has a great idea for storing fabric...I just had to show ya'all....
Missy at “the little green bean” blog spot showed me a great organizational and CHEAP system for storing fabrics…great work Missy!
Her Great Tutorial on Fabric Storage can be seen by clicking on her button on the right side...
Her Great Tutorial on Fabric Storage can be seen by clicking on her button on the right side...
She took a piece of 20 x 30 foam core board, and cut it down to 10 x 7.5 You can get 8 from one sheet. Next she wrapped the fabric around the bolts, the great thing about them being foam board is that you can use stick pins to secure the loose ends.
Now add to your shelf and it's done, ready to organize your delicious selections of fabric!
Note: Cut your foamboard to an inch shorter that the height of your cabinet/shelf and it will be "custom made".....
Thanks Missy for sharing such a great idea...
...and to think I bought a box of these made by a manufacturer for $1.99 each! eeekkkk...foamboard here i come!
Now it's time to sew, I am making some great bags from a tutorial on Moda Bake Shops blog more to come on that! Go on over and visit....My blocks for Bradies Summer Star Sampler are cut out waiting for the Sewing fairy to showup at my house! hint hint
Now it's time to sew, I am making some great bags from a tutorial on Moda Bake Shops blog more to come on that! Go on over and visit....My blocks for Bradies Summer Star Sampler are cut out waiting for the Sewing fairy to showup at my house! hint hint
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